Printing report of Items with their (many-to-many) tags?




Here are what the data tables look like:

Items: ID, Name, Desc
Tags: ID, Desc
Item_Tags: ID, Item_ID, Tag_ID

There are two (similar) reports that I need to print:

Item_name_string: "Some Item"
Item_tags_string: "A, Comma, Separated, List, Of, Tags"
Item_notes_string: "Notes go here..."


Item_name_string: "Some Item"
Item_notes_and_tags_string: "A, Comma, Separated, List, Of, Tags,
Followed, By, Notes go here..."

Basically, I need a report field that contains the concatenated list
of "Tags.Desc"s that apply to that item. (Also adding the Item.Notes
field for the 2nd case.)

Thank you

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