Printing scanned images

  • Thread starter Thomas R. Shannon
  • Start date

Thomas R. Shannon

I've been scanning documents into One Note. As usual, I get this nice
little image in the document. Unfortunately, when I print the page,
that's what I get. Nice little images. What's the best way to print
the scanned document as it was when it was scanned (i.e. the size of a
piece of 8.5X11 paper?

Tom S.

Kathy J

The easy but tedious solution: Select each page of the graphic and stretch
it to the size you want it to be.

The more difficult, but more exact solution: Create an
add-in/extension/program (whatever you want to call it) that takes your
scanned pages and pushes them to OneNote at the larger size. If you are
interested in this option,post back and someone will provide the API
information links.

The why it does it: As I understand it, graphics are scaled to fit the size
of the visible page by width. Since you can always stretch or shrink the
graphic, it doesn't generally cause problems. In your case, it is going to
be harder to deal with because of the number of times you do it.

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Co-Author of Life on OneNote - Coming Fall 2004 from Holy Macro! Books
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

Thomas R. Shannon

Kathy said:
The easy but tedious solution: Select each page of the graphic and
stretch it to the size you want it to be.

The more difficult, but more exact solution: Create an
add-in/extension/program (whatever you want to call it) that takes
your scanned pages and pushes them to OneNote at the larger size. If
you are interested in this option,post back and someone will provide
the API information links.

The why it does it: As I understand it, graphics are scaled to fit
the size of the visible page by width. Since you can always stretch
or shrink the graphic, it doesn't generally cause problems. In your
case, it is going to be harder to deal with because of the number of
times you do it.

Just as an aside, here, I've found from a little experimentation that
if you copy the small image out of ON and paste into MS Word, the image
prints at approximately the right size.

Tom S.

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