Printing Scripts



is there a script or an easy way to print the 'Worksheet Name' in the
header or footer without going thru each worksheet? I am using Office
2004 on a Mac.


Bob Greenblatt

is there a script or an easy way to print the 'Worksheet Name' in the
header or footer without going thru each worksheet? I am using Office
2004 on a Mac.

You can insert the sheet name into a header or footer easily. Just go to
Page setup, then header/footer. Click the one you want and then click on the
icon that looks like a rolodex card (third from the right).

Bob Greenblatt

is there a script or an easy way to print the 'Worksheet Name' in the
header or footer without going thru each worksheet? I am using Office
2004 on a Mac.

Please post to only one group. Your question will get answered.


Yes i understand how to do that, I am looking for a script to do that
automatically to a file that has 22 worksheets. I really did not want
to go to each worksheet individually.

JE McGimpsey

Yes i understand how to do that, I am looking for a script to do that
automatically to a file that has 22 worksheets. I really did not want
to go to each worksheet individually.

If you select the left-most worksheet, then Shift-Click on the
right-most worksheet, you'll group the sheets ("[Group]" will appear in
the title bar). You can then make changes to all the sheets at once,
including the footers.

Just make sure that you then right- (or CTRL-) click the worksheet tabs
and choose Ungroup before making any changes that you only want to
affect one sheet.

Or you could use something like this macro:

Public Sub ChangeAllFooters()
Const sFOOTER As String = "&F"
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
ws.PageSetup.LeftFooter = sFOOTER
Next ws
End Sub

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