printing to a PDF file


Tom S

How can I code a line in the VBA to first delete a sheet, and then (with 1
sheet remaining) print to a PDF file automatically by passing the arguments
of the name and path that the PDF is supposed to have? Please help.

Dick Kusleika


All good questions. The best advice I can give is to try it and see if it
works. I don't have Win2000 here so I can't try it. When you create the
ini, make sure the first line is

[Acrobat PDFWriter]

I tried changing some preferences in Acrobat to see if it would change the
ini, but it didn't. I was thinking that maybe if you changed a preference
it would create the file and then you wouldn't have to guess where to put

Also, make sure you've searched your whole hard drive for the file.

If none of that works, you might post to a Win2000 newsgroup and ask if
someone with Acrobat 4.0 can search for the file and tell you where it goes.


Hi Tom,
In the VBA editor, do tools>references. Check "Acrobat Distiller" or
"PDFMaker" depending on which you end up using.
This enables the library so VBA can find the methods, objects, properties.

After checking it, open the object browser and you will see the Acrobat

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