When in my document, I go to FILE>PRINT. Then I select SAVE AS PDF
and save the file to PDF format. As an example, one Word file went
from 6.2 MB (lots of imbedded photos) to over 25 MB. Smaller, all text
documents will about double from, for example 250 Kb to 600 Kb-1
Thanks for your help.
The "save as PDF" feature that comes with print dialog boxes in OSX saves a
high quality PDF file, so the size is not small.
If you would like to control the quality (and consequently the size) of PDF
files you will need to use Adobe Acrobat or another utility. http://www.versiontracker.com/ may have some low cost shareware utilities
that can save files as PDF.
Thanks very much. I suspected as much, but didn't want to believe it.
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