Here is the code that I am using to print out of Project:
Dim i As Integer
ViewApply Name:="&Gantt Chart"
For i = 1 To Projects(1).Resources.Count
If Left(Projects(1).Resources(i).Name, 4) = "C001" Or
Left(Projects(1).Resources(i).Name, 4) = "C002" Then
FilterApply Name:="&Using Resource...",
FilePrint 1, , , , , Date, Date
End If
Next i
When I run the code, all I get is C001 printed out, not C002 also. Is there
something else I need to be doing? Do I need to reset the filter for all
records first
before setting the filter for a particular resource? The goal is to print
out a seperate report
for each resource in the project.
Dim i As Integer
ViewApply Name:="&Gantt Chart"
For i = 1 To Projects(1).Resources.Count
If Left(Projects(1).Resources(i).Name, 4) = "C001" Or
Left(Projects(1).Resources(i).Name, 4) = "C002" Then
FilterApply Name:="&Using Resource...",
FilePrint 1, , , , , Date, Date
End If
Next i
When I run the code, all I get is C001 printed out, not C002 also. Is there
something else I need to be doing? Do I need to reset the filter for all
records first
before setting the filter for a particular resource? The goal is to print
out a seperate report
for each resource in the project.