I have been printing merged 30 to a page labels from my existing computer and
printer for some time. A few weeks ago the merged labels started to "drift"
down the page until they were pushing the city, state and zip off the page.
How can I get them to stay on the page? I merge to a new document and print
from there, so I am not merging and printing straight to the printer. In the
print preview they look just fine, but when I print them, they drift,
starting about 1/2 way down the page.
Thank you for your help.
printer for some time. A few weeks ago the merged labels started to "drift"
down the page until they were pushing the city, state and zip off the page.
How can I get them to stay on the page? I merge to a new document and print
from there, so I am not merging and printing straight to the printer. In the
print preview they look just fine, but when I print them, they drift,
starting about 1/2 way down the page.
Thank you for your help.