I'm not sure this group is the best place to post this question, and you
would really need to provide more info. anyway - e.g. it isn't completely
clear what you are comparing with what? (Are you merging to labels? Merging
to a document? Printing to labels? Printing a document? Are you printing the
labels in Word or something else (your text is ambiguous)? etc.)
Print speed is affected by a number of things including
a. computer perfrormance (typically most affected by the processor, the
amount of RAM, and what else it is being used for
b. printer performance (and potentially, network performance if the printer
is network-connected). In particular, if printer start-up/warm-up time is
long, the proportional effect on short jobs is larger than on long jobs.
High output quality, and e.g. double-sided printing can often cause a
significant slowdown.
c. complexity of the thing to be printed (are there lots of graphics, or
things that must be rendered as graphics - e.g. typically fonts are
converted to bitmaps before they reach the printer).
d. what is doing the rendering - the computer or the printer. (Arguably
part of (a) and (b), but some printers come with 2 different drivers that
work different ways).