Printing Worksheets (Array)



Need some help printing Worksheets. I have a Workbook that can contain
varying amount of Worksheets. Currently I count the sheets of a particular
type and based on that count (x) I store the sheet.names in strings s1 to
s10 then select the Case below based on x:

Select Case X
Case 1
Worksheets(Array(s1, "Terms1", "Terms2")).Select
Case 2
Worksheets(Array(s1, s2, "Terms1", "Terms2", ss)).Select
Case 3
Worksheets(Array(s1, s2, s3, "Terms1", "Terms2", ss)).Select
Case 4
Worksheets(Array(s1, s2, s3, s4, "Terms1", "Terms2", ss)).Select

Currently I have this built out to 10 and works fine but the requirement
has grown and I hate to use this long method.

Is there a way to automatically build this Array, i.e., if x was 25, it
would automatically build the above from S1 to S25?

Or is this just a stupid way of doing this and there is a much easier way
to print the sheets you want?

Thanks, Rob

Tom Ogilvy

dim v() as Variant
redim v(0 to 0)
for each sh in worksheets
' the condition you are checking for would be in
' the next line where the example check for "Report" is
' located
if sh.Range("A1").Value = "Report"
v(ubound(v)) =
redim preserve v(0 to ubound(v)+1)
end if
Redim Preserve v(0 to Ubound(v) - 1)



Thanks... Works Perfectly and as a plus if someone now looks at my code
they may even think I know what I'm doing...

Thanks again,

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