


I am attemptng to print to an HP 650 large format printer. I wish to print a
Gant chart to 1 page. I select the print to one page button but the last
two tasks print to a second page.

I figured if I reduced the font size and the row width I could print to one
page but when following the instruction for reducing the row size, they don't

I would take help solving this either by printing to one page or reducing
the width of the row size. Auto fit would be nice but I don't see it.


Rob Schneider


Getting the printout exactly right can sometimes be fiddly. I recommend
you "fiddle" with some or all of the following:

: on Print Preview, Page setup, see the Page tab where you can scale the
output and "fit to".

: change the margins

: on the view tab, change some of those settings.

: change the column widths on the Gantt chart. Make wider or smaller to
reize the overall page dimensions.

: change the font (you discovered this). Ariel Narrow often works since
it puts more into the same width.

: Print to Adobe PDF format to same paper size and then print the PDF to
the HP printer. You'll need PDF writing software installed (some
products available free or use Adobe Acrobat). This enables using
another and different printer driver to create the output from Project.
(I find Adobe printing the most reliable).

: check if an updated printer driver available from HP for your printer.



Thanks, Rob.

I played with the font size yesterday and got it to print on the one page.
It didn't quite fill the page as i wanted it to but it was close. I don't
think the driver software for this printer/plotter supports the "fit to"
function. It is an old HP 650 large format printer which i bought "used" a
couple of years ago.

Thanks again.

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