


I have just installed sp2 but am wondering if it fixes some of the things I
dislike about onenote.
1. In school, I tend to keep one long, running list of class notes. Each
class has its own file and every class period I open the file, go to the end
of the last period's notes, type in the date and begin taking notes. I like
to print off the new notes at the end of each week and attach them to the
previously printed notes. However, OneNote doesn't allow me to highlight a
particular portion of a section and just print that portion. This drives me
crazy since sometimes notes for a particular class can run to 60, 70 pages.

2. The formatting is terrible whenever I do print. The last few lines of
one page are reprinted on the next page. Also, sometimes (actually often)
lines print on top of each other or slightly overlapping.

This is my favorite program for staying organized and taking notes the way
that I want to take them. However, it is terrible for actually studying the
notes. I don't study by reading the computer screen - I study by printing
out my notes and outlines and then reading them. Does sp2 fix some of this?

Chris_Pratley \(MS\)

Sorry you're experiencing difficulties. It sounds like you are using one
section (tab at the top) per course, but only one page in that section (tab
on the right) - basically treating OneNote like a word processor. I think
you'd find it more effective to create a new page for each class. That's how
we inteded it to be used). That way the date and time are automatically
added for you, and it is easy to print only the notes for a single class,
and probably the printing issues will go away or at least be mitigated.

Chris Pratley (MS)

OneNote blog:


That's fine for my class notes - but what about my outlines? The printing
problems make it very hard for me to study the outlines that I make.

And, as for my class notes, I prefer to take notes in the way that I do. I
can try to do it the way that you suggest, but I don't understand why the
printing is such a problem. Why can't I highlight one portion of a section
and print just that portion? Why do lines print on top of each other? For
those problems, it doesn't really matter if each day is confined to its own
section - the lines still run together whether I print out one day of class
notes or fifty days worth!

Chris_Pratley \(MS\)

Can you send me a sample page that has this problem? I'd like to try to
repro it to see if I can help. Address: chrispr(at)

We've fixed some of these issues in the next release.

One reason to use multiple pages is that it is easy to navigate to a
specific class by clicking the page tab for that class, rather than just
scrolling forever through the single page to find the notes. Just trying to

Chris Pratley (MS)

OneNote blog:


To Chris and "lawstudent":

I, too, am a law student with the exact same issue. I feel your pain. :)

Chris, the deal is, if I'm taking notes on "offer and acceptance", I'm going
to keep writing within that tab till that subject is done. I don't stop
randomly, hoping that all I've typed will fit on an 8 1/2 x 11 page, then
start a new tab and call it "offer and acceptance 2". I do, however, start a
new tab or sub tab for a new subject.

Same thing for my outlines. And, while I could print my OneNote notes from
Word, I believe that would screw up my pretty OneNote formatting where I type
little notes about important points alongside my main notes, "in the margin",
so to speak.

Anyways, Chris, if the ability to insert page breaks and to *see* what will
fit on one normal page before you print could be added to the next OneNote, I
would be thrilled. Let me know if I can help make this happen somehow. If
"lawstudent" doesn't send you his notes to reproduce the issue, I'll send you
my outline. You can have fun learning about Contracts at the same time. :)

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