Printout of File Search

  • Thread starter Torstein S. Johnsen
  • Start date

Torstein S. Johnsen

I often use the File Search function in Word 97 and also in Windows. I miss
the possibility to take a printout of the file names found.

I can see a possibility in opening the all documents found and start a macro
that collects filename for each open document and send it to another

i think of something like this:

for each adoc in documents
filename = activedocument.fullname

from here I dont know how to continue. I have got a lot of godd answers
earlier that has been to a lot of help. I hope someone can give me some

Or perhaps someone has another solution that is easier?

Torstein S. Johnsen

Dave Lett

Hi Torstein

Maybe you can use something like the following

Dim iCount As Intege
Dim sNames As Strin
With Application.FileSearc
.LookIn = "C:\Proposals\
.SearchSubFolders = Tru
.FileName = "*.*
.MatchTextExactly = Fals
.FileType = msoFileTypeWordDocument
For iCount = 1 To .FoundFiles.Coun
sNames = sNames & .FoundFiles(iCount) & vbCrL
Next iCoun
End Wit
With ActiveDocumen
.Content.InsertAfter sName
End Wit


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