Printout problem

  • Thread starter Günter Brandstätter
  • Start date

Günter Brandstätter

Hi all,
if want to print a range of pages by code, it will not work.
I use
objWord.ActiveDocument.PrintOut True, Range:=wdPrintFromTo, From:=FromPage,

even with the Pages-Argument in this line and Range:=wdPrintRangeOfPages
my printer rests quiet.

Can anyone tell me why?
any answer appreciated

Peter Hewett

Hi Gunther

The code snippet looks ok. I'd check that Word is using the printer you
expect, try:


if it's not correct you can use :

ActivePrinter = "Your printer name here"

This code will however also change the system dafault printer! If you want to
just select a printer WITHOUT changinging the default printer check out the
code at this URL:

HTH + Cheers - Peter

Günter Brandstätter

Hi Peter,
I tried that also, if I look in the print queue, I see the document for a
short time, but with a size of 400 bytes only, and it disappears. So
something must be wrong with the statement.
thanks for your answer anyway

Peter Hewett

Hi Gunther

Add a break point to your code at the line you execute your
"objWord.ActiveDocument.PrintOut" statement.

Try statements like, from the VB/VBA IDE Immediate window:
objWord.ActiveDocument.PrintOut False, Range:=wdPrintFromTo, From:=1, To:=1

The above disables background printing for the documentand prints just page
1. Try a few other variants and see what happens.

HTH + Cheers - Peter

Günter Brandstätter

Hi Peter,
I tried what you said and now I know which causes my problem. The program
wants to print the original document with the mailmerge-fields which in fact
consists of one page only and not the merged document, which has many pages.
I don't know why, but even the command
objWord.Documents(1).PrintOut False, Range:=wdPrintFromTo, From:="2",
does not do the job. I'm lost somehow, as I don't know what causes Word to
print the original document every time.

Thanks again

Günter Brandstätter

Hi Peter,
I went a little bit deeper in to my problem. I saved the mail-merged
document as a file and tried to printout the page 2 with Word's
printer-dialog. Guess what happened? Nothing! It does not print. Now I
removed the "New section" from the end of each page, which is inserted
automatically by Word's mailmerge function, and - voilà - now my printout
Can I also remove these "New sections" programmatically ?


Günter Brandstätter

Hi Peter,

thank you for your answer, I did the same thing in my solution. The only
inconvenience is when you print several pages, you have to select and print
each page separately.
Thanks again and have a good day

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