Martin Fishlock
I'm trying to print out three sheets from a series of different workbooks.
I'm just using the standard printout method looping on a list in a sheet.
When I debug and step through it the code works. But if I run it it crashes
printing the first one.
Any ideas?
Here is the code segment and all the variables are valid etc and properly set.
Workbooks.Open ws.Range(cell_airport_dir) & _
ws.Range(aprt_col & r), False, True
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
wb.Sheets(Array(sht_apt_1, sht_apt_2, _
sht_apt_3)).PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True
wb.Close False
TIA Martin.
Here is the complete code:
Option Explicit
Const cell_message As String = "D9"
Const cell_costvars_dir As String = "B5"
Const cell_airport_dir As String = "B7"
Const cell_month_mmm As String = "B10"
Const sht_apt_1 As String = "ACTUAL USD"
Const sht_apt_2 As String = "YTD USD"
Const sht_apt_3 As String = "ACTUAL USD R"
Const sht_var_2 As String = "CUM"
Const sht_var_3 As String = "Costs uscg"
Const vars_col As String = "A"
Const aprt_col As String = "B"
Const start_row As Integer = 13
Private Sub delaytime()
Dim i As Long
Dim a As Long
a = 0
For i = 1 To 10000
a = a + i
a = a - i
Next i
End Sub
Sub Print_Cost_Vars_And_Airport_Files()
' Print_Monthly_Airport_and_Cost_Vars_file Macro
Dim l As Long
Dim sz_month As String
Dim sz_ans As String
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim wbpath As String
Dim r As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
On Error GoTo end_cleanup
Set ws = ActiveSheet
sz_month = Application.WorksheetFunction.Proper(ws.Range(cell_month_mmm))
If (sz_month = "Error") Then
MsgBox "Please enter a month between 1 and 12.", vbOKOnly,
"Error...", vbOKOnly
GoTo end_cleanup
ElseIf MsgBox("Are you sure you want to print files for " & sz_month &
"?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then
GoTo end_cleanup
End If
If Right(ws.Range(cell_costvars_dir), 1) <> "\" Then
ws.Range(cell_costvars_dir) = ws.Range(cell_costvars_dir) + "\"
End If
If Right(ws.Range(cell_airport_dir), 1) <> "\" Then
ws.Range(cell_airport_dir) = ws.Range(cell_airport_dir) + "\"
End If
r = start_row
While (ws.Range(vars_col & r) <> "" Or ws.Range(aprt_col & r) <> "")
If ws.Range("B" & r) <> "" Then ' print airport
Workbooks.Open ws.Range(cell_airport_dir) & _
ws.Range(aprt_col & r), False, True
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
wb.Sheets(Array(sht_apt_1, sht_apt_2, _
sht_apt_3)).PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True
wb.Close False
End If
If ws.Range(vars_col & r) <> "" Then ' print cost vars
Workbooks.Open ws.Range(cell_costvars_dir) & _
ws.Range(vars_col & r), False, True
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
wb.Sheets(Array(sz_month, sht_var_2, _
sht_var_3)).PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True
wb.Close False
End If
r = r + 1
MsgBox "Done it..."
Set ws = Nothing
Set wb = Nothing
End Sub
------CODE END-------------
I'm just using the standard printout method looping on a list in a sheet.
When I debug and step through it the code works. But if I run it it crashes
printing the first one.
Any ideas?
Here is the code segment and all the variables are valid etc and properly set.
Workbooks.Open ws.Range(cell_airport_dir) & _
ws.Range(aprt_col & r), False, True
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
wb.Sheets(Array(sht_apt_1, sht_apt_2, _
sht_apt_3)).PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True
wb.Close False
TIA Martin.
Here is the complete code:
Option Explicit
Const cell_message As String = "D9"
Const cell_costvars_dir As String = "B5"
Const cell_airport_dir As String = "B7"
Const cell_month_mmm As String = "B10"
Const sht_apt_1 As String = "ACTUAL USD"
Const sht_apt_2 As String = "YTD USD"
Const sht_apt_3 As String = "ACTUAL USD R"
Const sht_var_2 As String = "CUM"
Const sht_var_3 As String = "Costs uscg"
Const vars_col As String = "A"
Const aprt_col As String = "B"
Const start_row As Integer = 13
Private Sub delaytime()
Dim i As Long
Dim a As Long
a = 0
For i = 1 To 10000
a = a + i
a = a - i
Next i
End Sub
Sub Print_Cost_Vars_And_Airport_Files()
' Print_Monthly_Airport_and_Cost_Vars_file Macro
Dim l As Long
Dim sz_month As String
Dim sz_ans As String
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim wbpath As String
Dim r As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
On Error GoTo end_cleanup
Set ws = ActiveSheet
sz_month = Application.WorksheetFunction.Proper(ws.Range(cell_month_mmm))
If (sz_month = "Error") Then
MsgBox "Please enter a month between 1 and 12.", vbOKOnly,
"Error...", vbOKOnly
GoTo end_cleanup
ElseIf MsgBox("Are you sure you want to print files for " & sz_month &
"?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then
GoTo end_cleanup
End If
If Right(ws.Range(cell_costvars_dir), 1) <> "\" Then
ws.Range(cell_costvars_dir) = ws.Range(cell_costvars_dir) + "\"
End If
If Right(ws.Range(cell_airport_dir), 1) <> "\" Then
ws.Range(cell_airport_dir) = ws.Range(cell_airport_dir) + "\"
End If
r = start_row
While (ws.Range(vars_col & r) <> "" Or ws.Range(aprt_col & r) <> "")
If ws.Range("B" & r) <> "" Then ' print airport
Workbooks.Open ws.Range(cell_airport_dir) & _
ws.Range(aprt_col & r), False, True
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
wb.Sheets(Array(sht_apt_1, sht_apt_2, _
sht_apt_3)).PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True
wb.Close False
End If
If ws.Range(vars_col & r) <> "" Then ' print cost vars
Workbooks.Open ws.Range(cell_costvars_dir) & _
ws.Range(vars_col & r), False, True
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
wb.Sheets(Array(sz_month, sht_var_2, _
sht_var_3)).PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True
wb.Close False
End If
r = r + 1
MsgBox "Done it..."
Set ws = Nothing
Set wb = Nothing
End Sub
------CODE END-------------