PrintTitleRows 2



Ok, I've got the intitial elements working.

Do Until Selection.Interior.ColorIndex <> -4142
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select


If Selection.Interior.ColorIndex <> -4142 Then

'how do I define the last row selected?
'I tried the following and get a 1004 error.

range("$1: ActiveCell.EntireRow.cells()").Select
' I've also tried: range("$1:entirerow.cells()").select
' and range("$1:entirerow").select
' none of those work, and all throw a 1004 error.

End If

My goal now is to place the last row selected in the do loop into a
range().select (or a better choice) function so I can define the
PrintTitleRows element of PageSetUp

With ActiveSheet.PageSetUp
.PrintTitleRows = ""
.PrintTitleColumns = ""
End With


How would I accomplish this?

Thank you.

Jim Cone

Sub WhichOne()
'Returns the row number of the last row in selection.
Dim lngRw As Long
lngRw = Selection.Rows(Selection.Rows.Count).Row
MsgBox lngRw
End Sub
'If the Selection is Range(B5:C10)then:
'Selection.Rows.Count ...returns the number 6.
'Selection.Rows(6) ...returns the last row in the selection (range object-cells B10:C10)
'Selection.Rows(6).Row ...returns the actual Excel row number or 10

'However, if you are just using the selection to define the Rows to Repeat at Top then
' ActiveSheet.PrintTitleRows = Selection.EntireRow.Address
Jim Cone
Portland, Oregon USA

"SteveDB1" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
Ok, I've got the intitial elements working.

Do Until Selection.Interior.ColorIndex <> -4142
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

If Selection.Interior.ColorIndex <> -4142 Then

'how do I define the last row selected?
'I tried the following and get a 1004 error.

range("$1: ActiveCell.EntireRow.cells()").Select
' I've also tried: range("$1:entirerow.cells()").select
' and range("$1:entirerow").select
' none of those work, and all throw a 1004 error.

End If

My goal now is to place the last row selected in the do loop into a
range().select (or a better choice) function so I can define the
PrintTitleRows element of PageSetUp

With ActiveSheet.PageSetUp
.PrintTitleRows = ""
.PrintTitleColumns = ""
End With


How would I accomplish this?

Thank you.


Good morning Jim.
Thank you for the response yesterday evening.

At this point, I've got a do until loop that iterates through all of the
first few rows that are not filled with an interior color. When it finds a
row that is ...interior.colorindex <>-4142 it stops.
My next goal is to select the range from the start row, to the last row in
my loop-- the i-th row--so that I can perform the task of selecting those
rows, then fulfill a subsequent task.

It's the selection of those rows that's stumping me.

Yesterday afternoon after I'd posted this, I finally found the code to make
a selection, but it either selected the i-th row, downward to the 17th row
below the i-th row, or skipped some rows and then selected i- number of rows.
I know that it's something simple, but so far I haven't found it.

My existing code so far is:
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
Do Until Selection.Interior.ColorIndex <> -4142
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
i = 1 + i

If Selection.Interior.ColorIndex <> -4142 Then
'everything works until here.
'this next function does not work.
ActiveSheet.Select 'I chose this because the help file said I had to.
Selection.range("a1", Row.cell(i)).Select

End If

for whatever reason, instead of selecting cell a1, it treats the i-th row as
a1, and then dropped down 17 more rows, and selected all of them.
I specifically am seeking to select row 1, and then include row 1 to the
i-th row.

I hope that makes my thinking clearer. If not, please let me know, and I'll
try further to clarify.
Again, I really appreciate your time and assistance.

Jim Cone

I think this is what you want?...
Sub TopStuff()
' always use a Long for a row number
Dim i As Long
Dim rngTop As Range
i = 1
' specify the starting point.

Do Until Selection.Interior.ColorIndex <> -4142
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
i = 1 + i
Set rngTop = Range("A1", Cells(i, 1))
MsgBox rngTop.Address
End Sub
'In general, selecting cells is not good practice.
'However, in place of the last two lines you could use...
Range("A1", Cells(i, 1)).Select
MsgBox Selection.Address
Also, there is more than one way to code the above.
If the first colored cell was at row 25000,
then code execution might take longer than you want.
'Further, you can only make a selection on the active sheet.
'That is why you should select a sheet first,then make a selection.
'In your case everything takes place on the active sheet, so
'no sheet selection is necessary.
Jim Cone
Portland, Oregon USA

<[email protected]>
wrote in message
Good morning Jim.
Thank you for the response yesterday evening.

At this point, I've got a do until loop that iterates through all of the
first few rows that are not filled with an interior color. When it finds a
row that is ...interior.colorindex <>-4142 it stops.
My next goal is to select the range from the start row, to the last row in
my loop-- the i-th row--so that I can perform the task of selecting those
rows, then fulfill a subsequent task.

It's the selection of those rows that's stumping me.
Yesterday afternoon after I'd posted this, I finally found the code to make
a selection, but it either selected the i-th row, downward to the 17th row
below the i-th row, or skipped some rows and then selected i- number of rows.
I know that it's something simple, but so far I haven't found it.
My existing code so far is:
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
Do Until Selection.Interior.ColorIndex <> -4142
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
i = 1 + i

If Selection.Interior.ColorIndex <> -4142 Then
'everything works until here.
'this next function does not work.
ActiveSheet.Select 'I chose this because the help file said I had to.
Selection.range("a1", Row.cell(i)).Select

End If

for whatever reason, instead of selecting cell a1, it treats the i-th row as
a1, and then dropped down 17 more rows, and selected all of them.
I specifically am seeking to select row 1, and then include row 1 to the
i-th row.
I hope that makes my thinking clearer. If not, please let me know, and I'll
try further to clarify.
Again, I really appreciate your time and assistance.


A second followup.....

I found something that worked-- as a stand alone, with the code I'd shown in
my first followup above.

range("1:1", Selection.End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)).EntireRow.Select

Once I got that to work-- in my general testing macro on all worksheets of
importance, I placed it in my pagesetup macro for a preliminary test run.

I got back an error stating that it's unable to set the PrintTitleRows
property of the PageSetUp Class.
I then tried setting my function that did work to a variable name, and it
then threw another error stating the object or with block was not set (the
original issue that was stumping me earlier).

So, I guess my next question would be-- can I set .PrintTitleRows to a
variable name? or does it require a constant row value such as "$1:$5"

I would've thought that even if the range was a function like:

range("1:1", Selection.End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)).EntireRow.Select

it would've worked.

Any ideas at this point would be appreciated.


It actually works-- of course it does, you did it <vvvvbg>.
However, as with my immediately previous post, I've found that I'm unable to
set the PrintTitleRows using a range function, or a variable.

I agree with the 25000 rows. Thankfully, in all of my cases encountered so
far (which is why I chose this way-- if it was in the few to several dozens
even, I'd be choosing another way), the farthest down the first row that's
colored is row 18. And I think that's only one or two files-- out of the 700
to 800 we have, I've done some 40 to 60% of those. Most files range from 5 to
14 rows.

Thus, I'm now back to-- can I set my PrintTitleRows by use of anything other
than a constant? I.e., .PrintTitleRows = "$1:$12"

because it's thrice rejected

ActiveSheet.PageSetUp.PrintTitleRows = Range("A1", Cells(i, 1))

Set rngTop = Range("A1", Cells(i, 1))

ActiveSheet.PageSetUp.PrintTitleRows = rngTop

Jim Cone

PrintTitleRows requires a String...
The Address property of a range object returns a String.


The String provided should Not include workbook or worksheet references.
Jim Cone
Portland, Oregon USA

"SteveDB1" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
A second followup.....
I found something that worked-- as a stand alone, with the code I'd shown in
my first followup above.

range("1:1", Selection.End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)).EntireRow.Select

Once I got that to work-- in my general testing macro on all worksheets of
importance, I placed it in my pagesetup macro for a preliminary test run.

I got back an error stating that it's unable to set the PrintTitleRows
property of the PageSetUp Class.
I then tried setting my function that did work to a variable name, and it
then threw another error stating the object or with block was not set (the
original issue that was stumping me earlier).

So, I guess my next question would be-- can I set .PrintTitleRows to a
variable name? or does it require a constant row value such as "$1:$5"

I would've thought that even if the range was a function like:

range("1:1", Selection.End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)).EntireRow.Select

it would've worked.

Any ideas at this point would be appreciated.


hi again.
I found the Print Title Rows in the help file.
It states that A-1 notation is required for setting the range to be used in

Yet, in the sample used, they do what I thought I was trying to do.

ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintTitleRows = ActiveSheet.Rows(3).Address

I guess at this point, I'm stumped again.

I just tried a variation of the activesheet.rows().address as
range("1:1", cells(1)).address thinking that the .address was the key. It
I then tried
activesheet.rows("1:1", i).address, and that failed as well.
I then tried
activesheet.rows(i).address and it selected the i-th row.


Well, I found that I had to modify the function given in the help file.

ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintTitleRows = ActiveSheet.Rows(3).Address


ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintTitleRows = ActiveSheet.range("1:1",

I just got done testing it on 4 different sheets, about 10 times and it
worked on each one with no quibbles.
I think we have a winner.

Jim, thank you for all your help-- even if you don't think you did as much
as I've made it sound like-- you still read my frustrations/dribble, and that
helped immensely.

Jim Cone

To use the Range Object Address property you must have a valid range object.
range("1:1", cells(1)) and activesheet.rows("1:1", i) are not valid callouts.
While activesheet.rows(i) is legitimate. So this...
Dim i As Long
i = 6
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintTitleRows = ActiveSheet.Rows(i).Address
'will add "$6:$6" to the RowsToRepeatAtTop field in the pagesetup dialog

Note: RowsToRepeatAtTop uses entire rows.
You cannot have part of a row repeating at top.
Excel is forgiving in that it enters the entire row even when you only specify a few cells.

However, I would use, for example, Range("A1").EntireRow instead of just Range("A1")...
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintTitleRows = Activesheet.Range("A1").EntireRow.Address
Jim Cone
Portland, Oregon USA

"SteveDB1" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
hi again.
I found the Print Title Rows in the help file.
It states that A-1 notation is required for setting the range to be used in

Yet, in the sample used, they do what I thought I was trying to do.

ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintTitleRows = ActiveSheet.Rows(3).Address

I guess at this point, I'm stumped again.

I just tried a variation of the activesheet.rows().address as
range("1:1", cells(1)).address thinking that the .address was the key. It
I then tried
activesheet.rows("1:1", i).address, and that failed as well.
I then tried
activesheet.rows(i).address and it selected the i-th row.

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