Prioritizing Outlook Tasks


Andy C

Tasks: Is it possible to prioritize my tasks with numbers instead of High,
Low, and Normal?

I find it very difficult to prioritize my tasks within the current MS Office
Outlook program of High, Normal, and Low priorities. I would be much more
efficient if I could prioritize my tasks by numerical order. And better yet,
if when a task was complete, the other tasks renumbered themselves
automatically to keep a constant work-flow. So, when task number 3 was
checked off, task number 4 automatically became the new task number 3...and
so on. This would make a world of difference in my productivity and focus.

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Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Well, prioritizing with numbers is easy enough but having the tasks
automatically renumber is another matter entirely. You can get sort of
close if you preface the title of the tasks with the numbers, in sequential
order. Sort by subject. As you complete them and check them off the next
number will become the first one. You'll just have to get used to the idea
that the highest priority is the lowest number and it won't necessarily be
#1. If you get them all completed (or nearly so) you could renumber back to

Or you could just use a custom field and create a set of different priority
categories. Then you could show and sort that field. There are a lot of
ways to prioritize other than the default High/Normal/Low.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!


I like where Andy was going with this and I like really like Ben's suggestion
of putting a system in front of the title. My only concern with Bens'
approach is losing searchability. I'd really like to see a column dedicated
to prioritizing. See Outlook PlanPlus for details. A/B/C and 1/2/3
prioritizing would be ideal for me (but having multiple options for
everyone's 1001 ways would be great, which PlanPlus did consider). I think
that's the largest issue I have with this (next to location--I think it
should be visible on ALL pages or on a multi/consolidated page that editable
beyond what Outlook Today can do). I also like looking at "today's tasks"


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