Private Sub Form_Resize()



Private Sub Form_Resize()
How can I resize the controls in the detail part of a form?
Me.Width ?
Detail.Height ?

control.Width += Me.Width new - Me.Width old???

Marshall Barton

yael said:
Private Sub Form_Resize()
How can I resize the controls in the detail part of a form?
Me.Width ?
Detail.Height ?

control.Width += Me.Width new - Me.Width old???

Controls do not resize when a user resizes their form.

You can set a control's Width, Height, etc. as long as the
new setting does not exceed the section boundaries.

How are you trying to determine the new width?

The form's InsideWidth and InsideHeight properties provide
the form's current size.

I really can't be very specific without more details about
what effect you want to achieve.

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