Dear Krish,
I'm afraid you must specifically declare the DB class you
are using:
Dim DB As DAO.Database
(There is probably also a way to do this with ADO
Database, exceptt i don't know it very well.)
If you are using DAO as your DB system, you must include
it in the references:
in your VB window, go to Tools->References and make sure
the Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object library is checked.
I'm afraid you must specifically declare the DB class you
are using:
Dim DB As DAO.Database
(There is probably also a way to do this with ADO
Database, exceptt i don't know it very well.)
If you are using DAO as your DB system, you must include
it in the references:
in your VB window, go to Tools->References and make sure
the Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object library is checked.