Ka Kwok
Desole, moi Francias l'excrement, devoir repondre
** cough ** (GoingtohavetograbAsterixinFrench)
It looks like you've got a corrupted database on your
hands. If you're opening up access and not getting the
menu bar, that's normally an indicator.
It might also just be the case that you're low on hard
Think I'm going to have to do a fair bit of revision. I
used to be very good with French.
Good luck,
Ka Kwok
** cough ** (GoingtohavetograbAsterixinFrench)
It looks like you've got a corrupted database on your
hands. If you're opening up access and not getting the
menu bar, that's normally an indicator.
It might also just be the case that you're low on hard
Think I'm going to have to do a fair bit of revision. I
used to be very good with French.
Good luck,
Ka Kwok