Problem accessing "add STS server" page


Kasper Ovi


I get the following error when clicking "Add server" on the STS admin page:

Error Type:
Server object, ASP 0177 (0x8000401A)
The server process could not be started because the configured identity is
incorrect. Check the username and password.
/Projectserver/Admin/StsAdMod.asp, line 90

Browser Type:
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)

GET /Projectserver/Admin/StsAdMod.asp?SvrId=-1

Line 90 says: var oStsAdminUser =

I've configured the STS and Project Server as described in the Training
courseware and as in Gary Chefetz's Server2002-book - but neither helps on
this issues. Both installations were done on a complete uninstalled STS
(according to the book).

I've doblechecked the passwords and recreated the login users (in both
Windows and SQL-server) and have run the Com+ program afterwords - all with
no change.

Any hints or suggestions would be very nice!


William Raymond

Hi Kasper,

What version of Windows Server are you using? The COM objects may not have
the appropriate security settings, so you might want to check that. Here is
what to do (make sure you are doing this at the server):

1) Run Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Component Services.
2) Expand the tree to: Component Services->Computers->My Computer->COM+
3) Choose the Properties for each of the MS Project Server objects and make
sure each of these have the following settings:
Enforce access checks for this application: OFF
Peroform access checks at the process and component level: ON
Apply software restriction policy: OFF
Authentication level for calls: PACKET
Impersonation level: IMPERSONATE

This user: ON
User: (Local Administrator)
Password: (Password for Local Administrator)

Please let me know if this helps,

Microsoft Project MVP
projectnation at hotmail dot com

Project FAQs:

Kasper Ovi


I found the solution, but the simple answers first: I'm running 2000 Server
and all the settings stated underneath was setup correctly. But your tips
made me discover that some of the "+balls" was turning (graphically) and I
soon found out that it meant that the object was started correctly. So the
next thing was to use the admin-account to see if that worked - and it did.

That was where I found the answer: I was using the server-name instead
(COMPANY-SERVER) of the domain name (COMPANY). The thing that make me
frustrated with this, is I didn't get any warning when using den Com+
program - it just said "OK".

If one type a wrong name you get an error message - but not if it's the
server... which makes sense for some (apparently not me! he)

The bottom line: If you get the similar problem, check that you use the
DomainName instead of Server-name when entering STS and OLAP

Thanks alot for the guidelines, William!


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