Here is the simplified, VB 2008 way to add custom buttons to your
Office 2007 ribbon, including contextual tabs not handled by the
visual designer. This example will put a custom group with an upload
button on the Home tab in Excel, and a custom group with a download
button on the Pivot Table tab.
1) Write some VB code in ThisAddIn.vb that you want your custom ribbon
buttons to call.
Public Sub Upload()
msgbox("Going Up!")
End Sub
Public Sub Download()
msgbox("Going Down")
End Sub
2) Create custom images and save them in the project resource file. In
this example, assume we add two images, uparrow.png and downarrow.png.
From Project | Properties, select Resources
Change dropdown selection from Strings to Images
From Add Resource, select Add Existing File
[repeat for each image you need in the ribbon]
3) Add Ribbon XML to your project
Right-click the your project in Solution Explorer and select Add | New
From the Office group, select Ribbon (XML)
4) The Ribbon.vb module contains some preformatted advice. Follow Step
1 immediately - copy and paste the code block into your ThisAddIn
5) Create the Image Handler callback that will load your custom ribbon
Expand the Ribbon Callbacks region
Add the following code insude the Callbacks region.
Public Function GetImage(ByVal imageName As String) As
Select Case imageName
Case "UpArrow"
Return My.Resources.uparrow
Case "DownArrow"
Return My.Resources.downarrow
Case Else
Return Nothing
End Select
End Function
6) Create the callbacks that your buttons will use to launch your code
Inside the Callbacks region of Ribbon.vb, add the following code:
Public Sub btnDownload_Click(ByVal control As Office.IRibbonControl)
End Sub
Public Sub btnUpload_Click(ByVal control As OfficeIRibbonControl)Get
End Sub
7) In Solution Explorer, switch to RibbonXML
8) Modify the customUI line to include the following attribute:
The entire line will now look like this:
<customUI onLoad="Ribbon_Load" xmlns="
office/2006/01/customui" loadImage="GetImage">
GetImage is the name of the callback function you created in step 5.
9) Add the custom group and Upload button to the Home tab
Modify the XML as shown below:
<tab idMso="TabHome">
<group id="MyGroup" label="My Group">
<button id="btnUpload" onAction="btnUpload_Click"
label="Upload" image="UpArrow"/>
The TabHome idMSO is a keyword that I looked up in an Excel
spreadsheet from Microsoft. Get it here:
Everything is case sensitive, so if your GetImage callback function
refers to UPArrow, then you need to say UPArrow in the RibbonXML
10) Add the custom group to the PivotTable tab by adding the following
code inside the <ribbon></ribbon> collection, below the <tabs></tabs>
<tabSet idMso="TabSetPivotTableTools">
<tab idMso="TabPivotTableToolsDesign">
<group id="MyGroup2" label="My Group2">
<button id="buttonDownload" onAction ="btnDownload_Click"
label="Download" image="DownArrow"/>
That's it - good luck!
Joe Stern
Philadelphia, PA