Problem and solution of Queue Jobs


Hernán Mario

We have an emergency and the Queue goes crazy this weekend, some projects
that's supose to be deleted were in the list of projects in PWA
administrator page and in the queue jobs during one day, for Project
Professional the projects were deleted but we could not use the same name.

In the Database the projects were present in the Draft database but in the
Published database, so when we tried to publish the project the name was

My solution on sunday was delete the records in MSP_WEB_PROJECTS table, on
the Draft database.

Now I ask myself if there's a tool to clean the related records of
assignment, tasks and curstom fieds, or if I have to make my own Stores


Hernán Mario

Paul Conroy

Sorry, I don't know of any tools that can help you resolve your prediciment.

Personally I would involve Microsoft Premier Support as altering tables
directly in the draft database is not supported. If you choose not to go
down this road, please be very very careful not to break anything else.
Perform all changes in a test environment first.

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