Problem deploying OL 2002 addin to non-Admin users



When we use SMS to deploy an OL2002 addin it works fine for Administrative
users, but nothing happens for non-admin users. Is this the wrong way to go
about deploying an OL addin to non-admin users? Should we be looking at a
custom Office install using Custom Maintenance Wizard instead?

We update the HKLM hive so we thought the addin would be available to all
users even though they may not actually 'see' it in the Com Add-In list.


Michael Bauer

Am Sun, 31 Jul 2005 21:49:43 -0400 schrieb joel:

Joel, usually the HKLM hive is write-protected for non-admins. It´s the
admins job to change that or install the Add-In himself - or it´s your
job to use HKCU instead.

Roger Wang

Can you help me a little further. I have tried updating the HKLM hive when
registering the addin, but it's not working either. Maybe I'm not doing it
right. Are there any articles on the web that explains this? I tried
googling many times but had no result.



Thanks for the reply.
Your response to Roger Wang in "Outlook 2003 addin deployment problem" was
"Every user needs to install it himself."
But non-admin users can't install addins themselves. Their install
permissions are locked down by Group Policy.
We had tried using HKCU but it didn't work for non-admins. Should we be
giving write permission on HKCU...\Outlook\Addins to do this? That sounds
safer than allowing write permission on HKLM.


Michael Bauer

On Mon, 1 Aug 2005 07:55:40 -0400 joel wrote:

Joel, for a few users only I´d probably go that way. Please have a look at
the other thread again where Helmut has given a good alternative. Note that
an Add-In, installed for all users, isn´t visible via options dialog.

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