Problem deploying Shared COM-AddIn application


Mike Hernandez

Moving original message from Les Peabody to this newsgroup.

Mike Hernandez
Community Program Manager
VSTO Team, Microsoft

I've been developing this program in VS.NET using VB.NET at work to
synchronize Microsoft Project with data from our databases. To describe the
program, it simply creates and adds a new menu with a few options to the
existing main menu.

I feel it is ready for my fellow employees to use, but I am having issues in
getting it to deploy correctly. The situation is as follows.

During the process of development, I have been able to successfully load the
add-in into Microsoft Project and use it.

When I go to build ProjectNameSetup, it packages the dependencies into a
Windows Installer package. I then send the contents generated in
Release\ProjectNameSetup to one of my colleagues to beta test. He runs the
installer and it says the install was successful. However, when Microsoft
Project loads, there is no menu added to the main menu. I then go into the
COM Addins manager and navigate to the installation directory to add the
application .DLL. However, when I attempt to add the .DLL, the following
error occurs:

'Path' is not a valid Office Add-in.

I checked the Registry to make sure the LoadBehavior, Description, and
FriendlyName keys were where they were supposed to be, and they were. I
checked the assembly to make sure everything that the application needed was
in there, and they were.

I am stumped at this point and would appreciate any assistance the community
can offer.

Les Peabod

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