Problem detecting Application_Quit event



hi - newbie question

I'm opening an Outlook Calendar Explorer from my VB form, and need to detect when the user closes the Calendar Explorer so that I can return control to the VB form. The Application object has a Quit event - but this doesn't seem to fire - maybe because the application Object as created in the VB app still exists?

Anyway - thanks for any help!

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

When Quit fires all Outlook objects are out of scope anyway. Use a
trap on the Explorer and Inspector Close events. When there are no
more Inspectors or Explorers then Outlook is closing.

AndyK said:
hi - newbie question

I'm opening an Outlook Calendar Explorer from my VB form, and need
to detect when the user closes the Calendar Explorer so that I can
return control to the VB form. The Application object has a Quit
event - but this doesn't seem to fire - maybe because the application
Object as created in the VB app still exists?

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