When viewing through resource usage the data associated with one of two
resources assigned to a single task, the start and stop dates do not
agree with the Gantt view. The work appears to have been compressed
into the first three months of what should be a 7.5 month long
duration. ?
For the Same task:
View Start Stop Duration Work Units
Gantt 29Jan07 14Sep07 7.5 mons 704 hrs N/A
Resource Usage 29Jan07 14Sep07 N/A 528 hrs 60%
(Resource #1)
Resource Usage 29 Jan 07 29 Mar 07 N/A 176 hrs 40%
(Resource #2)
Other task parameters:
Fixed Units
Effort Driven: NO
Constraint: ASAP
Start Determined by Start to to Finish Predecessor relationship
resources assigned to a single task, the start and stop dates do not
agree with the Gantt view. The work appears to have been compressed
into the first three months of what should be a 7.5 month long
duration. ?
For the Same task:
View Start Stop Duration Work Units
Gantt 29Jan07 14Sep07 7.5 mons 704 hrs N/A
Resource Usage 29Jan07 14Sep07 N/A 528 hrs 60%
(Resource #1)
Resource Usage 29 Jan 07 29 Mar 07 N/A 176 hrs 40%
(Resource #2)
Other task parameters:
Fixed Units
Effort Driven: NO
Constraint: ASAP
Start Determined by Start to to Finish Predecessor relationship