Duane Nutley
I hope someone can help with the problem I am having as it is frustrating me
quite a bit.
I have been asked to create some Outlook form templates for a company and
that is easy. The hard bit is that they want it to print the way it looks in
the form. After browsing this forum I found the Office Article 290775 (link -
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q290775&ID=kb;en-us;Q290775 ) which was quite handy and worked for one form.
I copied/pasted the code from the one form template that worked into a new
one, changed the fields, etc and when I go to print the form I get the
following error message - Object variable not set 'strVacancyRef', which is
the first field on the form.
My VBA skills are limited as I have not worked a lot in VBA, I can fumble my
way through it, but do not understand what I have done wrong as I cant see
any difference between the code that is written, and the example provided in
the article.
I have copied the code below if that helps.
Sub cmdPrint_Click()
Set oWordApp = CreateObject ("Word.Application")
If oWordApp Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Couldn't start Word"
Dim oWordApp
Dim oWordDoc
Dim bolPrintBackground
'Open a new document.
Set oDoc = oWordApp.Documents.Add ("C:\Outlook Templates\Permanent
Placement Details Form.oft")
'Set the first bookmark
strVacancyRef = Item.UserProperties.Find("RefNo")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text1").Result = strVacancyRef
'Set the second bookmark
strClient = Item.UserProperties.Find("Client")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text2").Result = strClient
'Set the third bookmark
strAddress1 = Item.UserProperties.Find("Address1")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text3").Result = strAddress1
'Set the fourth bookmark
strAddress2 = Item.UserProperties.Find("Address2")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text4").Result = strAddress2
'Set the fifth bookmark
strAddress3 = Item.UserProperties.Find("Address3")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text5").Result = strAddress3
'Set the sixth bookmark
strAddress4 = Item.UserProperties.Find("Address4")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text6").Result = strAddress4
'Set the seventh bookmark
strAddress5 = Item.UserProperties.Find("Address5")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text7").Result = strAddress5
'Set the eighth bookmark
strContact = Item.UserProperties.Find("Cont")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text8").Result = strContact
'Set the ninth bookmark
strClientContactNo = Item.UserProperties.Find("ContNo")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text9").Result = strClientContactNo
'Set the tenth bookmark
strCandidateName = Item.UserProperties.Find("Candidate")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text10").Result = strCandidateName
'Set the eleventh bookmark
strPositionTitle = Item.UserProperties.Find("Position")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text11").Result = strPositionTitle
'Set the twelth bookmark
strDatePlaced = Item.UserProperties.Find("DatePl")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text12").Result = strDatePlaced
'Set the thirteenth bookmark
strCommence = Item.UserProperties.Find("CommDate")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text13").Result = strCommence
'Set the fourteenth bookmark
strBaseSalary = Item.UserProperties.Find("Salary")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text14").Result = strBaseSalary
'Set the fifteenth bookmark
strMotor = Item.UserProperties.Find("MotorVehicle")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text15").Result = strMotor
'Set the sixteenth bookmark
strOther = Item.UserProperties.Find("Other")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text16").Result = strOther
'Set the seventeenth bookmark
strTotal = Item.UserProperties.Find("Total")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text17").Result = strTotal
'Set the eighteenth bookmark
strTeamSplit = Item.UserProperties.Find("TeamSplit")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text18").Result = strTeamSplit
'Set the ninteenth bookmark
strVacancyNo = Item.UserProperties.Find("VacNo")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text19").Result = strVacancyNo
'Set the twentith bookmark
strNarration = Item.UserProperties.Find("Narration")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text20").Result = strNarration
'Set the twentyfirst bookmark
strPaymentTerms = Item.UserProperties.Find("PayTerms")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text21").Result = strPaymentTerms
'Set the twentysecond bookmark
strDueDate = Item.UserProperties.Find("InvoiceDate")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text22").Result = strDueDate
'Set the twentythird bookmark
strSuperannuation = Item.UserProperties.Find("Super")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text23").Result = strSuperannuation
'Set the twentyfourth bookmark
strFee = Item.UserProperties.Find("Fee")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text24").Result = strFee
'Set the twentyfive bookmark
strFeeTotal = Item.UserProperties.Find("FeeTotal")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text25").Result = strFeeTotal
'Set the twentysix bookmark
strGST = Item.UserProperties.Find("GST")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text26").Result = strGST
'Set the twentyseven bookmark
strGSTTotal = Item.UserProperties.Find("GSTTotal")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text27").Result = strGSTTotal
'Set the twentyeight bookmark
strInvoiceValue = Item.UserProperties.Find("InvoiceValue")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text28").Result = strInvoiceValue
'Set the twentynine bookmark
strTeam = Item.UserProperties.Find("Team")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text29").Result = strTeam
'Set the thirty bookmark
strGifts = Item.UserProperties.Find("Gifts")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text30").Result = strGifts
'Set the thirtyone bookmark
strComments = Item.UserProperties.Find("_DocSiteControl1")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text31").Result = strComments
'Set the thirtysecond bookmark
strTo = Item.UserProperties.Find("To")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text32").Result = strTo
'Set the thirtythird bookmark
chkFee = Item.UserProperties.Find("FeeAckn")
oDoc.FormFields ("Check1").Result = chkFee
'Set the thirtyfourth bookmark
chkDates = Item.UserProperties.Find("FollowUp")
oDoc.FormFields ("Check2").Result = chkDates
'Set the thirtyfifth bookmark
chkVoyager = Item.UserProperties.Find("Voyager")
oDoc.FormFields ("Check3").Result = chkVoyager
'Get the current Word setting for background printing
bolPrintBackground = oWordApp.Options.PrintBackground
'Turn background printing off
oWordApp.Options.PrintBackground = False
'Print the Word document
'Restore previous setting
oWordApp.Options.PrintBackground = bolPrintBackground
'Close and do not save changes to the document
Const wdDoNotSaveChanges = 0
oDoc.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges
'Close the Word instance
'Clean up
Set oDoc = Nothing
Set oWordApp = Nothing
End If
End Sub
quite a bit.
I have been asked to create some Outlook form templates for a company and
that is easy. The hard bit is that they want it to print the way it looks in
the form. After browsing this forum I found the Office Article 290775 (link -
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q290775&ID=kb;en-us;Q290775 ) which was quite handy and worked for one form.
I copied/pasted the code from the one form template that worked into a new
one, changed the fields, etc and when I go to print the form I get the
following error message - Object variable not set 'strVacancyRef', which is
the first field on the form.
My VBA skills are limited as I have not worked a lot in VBA, I can fumble my
way through it, but do not understand what I have done wrong as I cant see
any difference between the code that is written, and the example provided in
the article.
I have copied the code below if that helps.
Sub cmdPrint_Click()
Set oWordApp = CreateObject ("Word.Application")
If oWordApp Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Couldn't start Word"
Dim oWordApp
Dim oWordDoc
Dim bolPrintBackground
'Open a new document.
Set oDoc = oWordApp.Documents.Add ("C:\Outlook Templates\Permanent
Placement Details Form.oft")
'Set the first bookmark
strVacancyRef = Item.UserProperties.Find("RefNo")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text1").Result = strVacancyRef
'Set the second bookmark
strClient = Item.UserProperties.Find("Client")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text2").Result = strClient
'Set the third bookmark
strAddress1 = Item.UserProperties.Find("Address1")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text3").Result = strAddress1
'Set the fourth bookmark
strAddress2 = Item.UserProperties.Find("Address2")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text4").Result = strAddress2
'Set the fifth bookmark
strAddress3 = Item.UserProperties.Find("Address3")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text5").Result = strAddress3
'Set the sixth bookmark
strAddress4 = Item.UserProperties.Find("Address4")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text6").Result = strAddress4
'Set the seventh bookmark
strAddress5 = Item.UserProperties.Find("Address5")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text7").Result = strAddress5
'Set the eighth bookmark
strContact = Item.UserProperties.Find("Cont")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text8").Result = strContact
'Set the ninth bookmark
strClientContactNo = Item.UserProperties.Find("ContNo")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text9").Result = strClientContactNo
'Set the tenth bookmark
strCandidateName = Item.UserProperties.Find("Candidate")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text10").Result = strCandidateName
'Set the eleventh bookmark
strPositionTitle = Item.UserProperties.Find("Position")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text11").Result = strPositionTitle
'Set the twelth bookmark
strDatePlaced = Item.UserProperties.Find("DatePl")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text12").Result = strDatePlaced
'Set the thirteenth bookmark
strCommence = Item.UserProperties.Find("CommDate")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text13").Result = strCommence
'Set the fourteenth bookmark
strBaseSalary = Item.UserProperties.Find("Salary")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text14").Result = strBaseSalary
'Set the fifteenth bookmark
strMotor = Item.UserProperties.Find("MotorVehicle")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text15").Result = strMotor
'Set the sixteenth bookmark
strOther = Item.UserProperties.Find("Other")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text16").Result = strOther
'Set the seventeenth bookmark
strTotal = Item.UserProperties.Find("Total")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text17").Result = strTotal
'Set the eighteenth bookmark
strTeamSplit = Item.UserProperties.Find("TeamSplit")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text18").Result = strTeamSplit
'Set the ninteenth bookmark
strVacancyNo = Item.UserProperties.Find("VacNo")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text19").Result = strVacancyNo
'Set the twentith bookmark
strNarration = Item.UserProperties.Find("Narration")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text20").Result = strNarration
'Set the twentyfirst bookmark
strPaymentTerms = Item.UserProperties.Find("PayTerms")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text21").Result = strPaymentTerms
'Set the twentysecond bookmark
strDueDate = Item.UserProperties.Find("InvoiceDate")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text22").Result = strDueDate
'Set the twentythird bookmark
strSuperannuation = Item.UserProperties.Find("Super")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text23").Result = strSuperannuation
'Set the twentyfourth bookmark
strFee = Item.UserProperties.Find("Fee")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text24").Result = strFee
'Set the twentyfive bookmark
strFeeTotal = Item.UserProperties.Find("FeeTotal")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text25").Result = strFeeTotal
'Set the twentysix bookmark
strGST = Item.UserProperties.Find("GST")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text26").Result = strGST
'Set the twentyseven bookmark
strGSTTotal = Item.UserProperties.Find("GSTTotal")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text27").Result = strGSTTotal
'Set the twentyeight bookmark
strInvoiceValue = Item.UserProperties.Find("InvoiceValue")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text28").Result = strInvoiceValue
'Set the twentynine bookmark
strTeam = Item.UserProperties.Find("Team")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text29").Result = strTeam
'Set the thirty bookmark
strGifts = Item.UserProperties.Find("Gifts")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text30").Result = strGifts
'Set the thirtyone bookmark
strComments = Item.UserProperties.Find("_DocSiteControl1")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text31").Result = strComments
'Set the thirtysecond bookmark
strTo = Item.UserProperties.Find("To")
oDoc.FormFields ("Text32").Result = strTo
'Set the thirtythird bookmark
chkFee = Item.UserProperties.Find("FeeAckn")
oDoc.FormFields ("Check1").Result = chkFee
'Set the thirtyfourth bookmark
chkDates = Item.UserProperties.Find("FollowUp")
oDoc.FormFields ("Check2").Result = chkDates
'Set the thirtyfifth bookmark
chkVoyager = Item.UserProperties.Find("Voyager")
oDoc.FormFields ("Check3").Result = chkVoyager
'Get the current Word setting for background printing
bolPrintBackground = oWordApp.Options.PrintBackground
'Turn background printing off
oWordApp.Options.PrintBackground = False
'Print the Word document
'Restore previous setting
oWordApp.Options.PrintBackground = bolPrintBackground
'Close and do not save changes to the document
Const wdDoNotSaveChanges = 0
oDoc.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges
'Close the Word instance
'Clean up
Set oDoc = Nothing
Set oWordApp = Nothing
End If
End Sub