The worksheets property under “help†describes ranges by using the following
MsgBox Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
In my code, I am using two forms of it. They are…
Worksheets(1).Range("c5:c10").Cells(1, 1).Formula = "=rand()"
Debug.Print Examine_a_Range (Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B3
The function “Examine_a_Range†has opening line of …
Function Examine_a_Range(Rng0 As Range) As Variant
Some code here..
End function
Now that I’ve learned how to obtain the cell range from the RefEdit control,
I see the form of a cell range from RefEdit is…
If I want to use the value from the RefEdit control in my code, do I have to
go through some text editing work to split up the value from RefEdit, or is
there a better way to assign the value to a Range and make it all work?
Thank you,
The worksheets property under “help†describes ranges by using the following
MsgBox Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
In my code, I am using two forms of it. They are…
Worksheets(1).Range("c5:c10").Cells(1, 1).Formula = "=rand()"
Debug.Print Examine_a_Range (Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B3
The function “Examine_a_Range†has opening line of …
Function Examine_a_Range(Rng0 As Range) As Variant
Some code here..
End function
Now that I’ve learned how to obtain the cell range from the RefEdit control,
I see the form of a cell range from RefEdit is…
If I want to use the value from the RefEdit control in my code, do I have to
go through some text editing work to split up the value from RefEdit, or is
there a better way to assign the value to a Range and make it all work?
Thank you,