Problem having Combo Box Show Desired Field


Jim Moore

In Acess2000XP, I have a form with a number of Combo Boxes. One of these
will not show only the second of two fields.
Row Source: SELECT TaskSubGroup.ID, TaskSubGroup.[Task Subgroup] FROM
TaskSubGroup ORDER BY TaskSubGroup.[Task Subgroup];

Bound Column: 1

Column Count: 2
Column Width: 0";1"

The Column Width I have show is what I tried, but when you click on the
combo box, a single column and row empty box comes up. If I use a width
greater than 0, the pull down works, but after making the selection the
first field is displayed in the box. Five other combo boxes work properly.

Any ideas about what I am doing wrong?
Jim Moore

Jeff Boyce


Any chance there are blanks in the underlying table?

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

Jim Moore

I assume that you mean blank records and not blanks in the text string.
There are no records with a blank field in the underlying table.
Jim Moore

Jeff Boyce said:

Any chance there are blanks in the underlying table?

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

Jim Moore said:
In Acess2000XP, I have a form with a number of Combo Boxes. One of these
will not show only the second of two fields.
Row Source: SELECT TaskSubGroup.ID, TaskSubGroup.[Task Subgroup] FROM
TaskSubGroup ORDER BY TaskSubGroup.[Task Subgroup];

Bound Column: 1

Column Count: 2
Column Width: 0";1"

The Column Width I have show is what I tried, but when you click on the
combo box, a single column and row empty box comes up. If I use a width
greater than 0, the pull down works, but after making the selection the
first field is displayed in the box. Five other combo boxes work properly.

Any ideas about what I am doing wrong?
Jim Moore

Jeff Boyce

I meant blank values in the field [Task SubGroup]. What happens when you
just run the query by itself, not using it to load the combo box?

Good luck

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

Jim Moore said:
I assume that you mean blank records and not blanks in the text string.
There are no records with a blank field in the underlying table.
Jim Moore

Jeff Boyce said:

Any chance there are blanks in the underlying table?

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

Jim Moore said:
In Acess2000XP, I have a form with a number of Combo Boxes. One of these
will not show only the second of two fields.
Row Source: SELECT TaskSubGroup.ID, TaskSubGroup.[Task Subgroup] FROM
TaskSubGroup ORDER BY TaskSubGroup.[Task Subgroup];

Bound Column: 1

Column Count: 2
Column Width: 0";1"

The Column Width I have show is what I tried, but when you click on the
combo box, a single column and row empty box comes up. If I use a width
greater than 0, the pull down works, but after making the selection the
first field is displayed in the box. Five other combo boxes work properly.

Any ideas about what I am doing wrong?
Jim Moore

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