Problem in ComboBox Population



I have a combobox in one of my access form. I am using a
query to populate the combobox. When i am setting the
BoundColumn property to a nonzero value, i am getting a
truncated list in the combobox. But when i am using
boundcolumn property as 0 or blank, i am getting full list
in the combobox.
As suggested by some programmer i have matched the column count of the query populating the combobox, Column Count property of the combo box and Column Widths (i have mentioned widths for all the columns) property of the combobox, But this didn't help. Please help

Here are the information for the combobox:
SQL View of the query: SELECT [aor_no] & " " & [aor_desc] AS aor_display, tbl_619_ioc_cd.ioc_parent_cd, tbl_619_ioc_cd.internal_org_cd, tbl_619_ioc_cd.aor_no, tbl_619_ioc_cd.aor_desc, tbl_619_ioc_cd.aor_manager_nm
FROM tbl_619_ioc_cd
ORDER BY tbl_619_ioc_cd.aor_no;
Control Source: internal_org_cd
Bound Column: 3
Column Count: 6
Column Widths: 2.5";0";0";0";0";0"
Any pointers to this problem and it's
solution will be highly appreciated.


All combo boxes bound to another table will always have the primary key from
that table as part of the combo box field entry.

Bound column is the location of the primary key within the scheme of the
combo box fields. Thus if you have EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName as fields
for the combo box, then the Bound column should be 1 as Employee ID is the
first field and is the primary key. If EmployeeID was after LastName then it
would be a value of 3. As for field sizes you can set them to 0;1;1. This
will hide the EmployeeID field and show only FirstName and Lastname in the
combo box. Column count will show the value of 3 as there are three fields
listed in the query window. List Width can be Auto or set to 2", which is
the sum of the field size.

Also, your table and field names would be easier to read if you use the
naming conventions. Gone are the days of using the underscore. Recommended
naming is tblTableName (no spaces, no underscores, change in word
capitalized), such as tblCompany or tblInternalOrg and fields names AorDesc
or AORNo. Just a thought for the future. Makes remembering easier also and
less typing.

Ganesh said:
I have a combobox in one of my access form. I am using a
query to populate the combobox. When i am setting the
BoundColumn property to a nonzero value, i am getting a
truncated list in the combobox. But when i am using
boundcolumn property as 0 or blank, i am getting full list
in the combobox.
As suggested by some programmer i have matched the column count of the
query populating the combobox, Column Count property of the combo box and
Column Widths (i have mentioned widths for all the columns) property of the
combobox, But this didn't help. Please help
Here are the information for the combobox:
SQL View of the query: SELECT [aor_no] & " " & [aor_desc] AS aor_display,
tbl_619_ioc_cd.ioc_parent_cd, tbl_619_ioc_cd.internal_org_cd, tbl_619_ioc_cd
..aor_no, tbl_619_ioc_cd.aor_desc, tbl_619_ioc_cd.aor_manager_nm

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