Let's handle the blank page problem first, as this is a often cited problem.
Your controls on the form are too wide for the page size and the margins you have set
up. You need to either reduce the margin size, or reduce the control widths acorss the
report, until you stop getting a blank every other page.
Regrading the sorting problem...
If I understand correctly, it sounds as though... when you print the report, you get
Record 19 to the end of the report, then it prints record 1-18 on the end?
If so, the first thing I suspect is the report sorting is incorrect.
Report sorting is done through the Sorting and Grouping dialog box in Design mode... on
the report itself... not the query behind the report.
Please provide more details as to how you have that set up.
Try just sorting on the AutoNum alone in the S&G, and see how that works.
It's a bit odd to sort on the AutoNum though, since most folks would want to sort on
LastName, FirstName, CompanyName, or City, or ZipCode. The AutoNum is just a meaningless
"data" value, (used by Access for table relationships) and not soemthing you would want to
sort by.
Al Campagna . Candia Computer Consulting . Candia, NH USA
Microsoft Access MVP
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