problem in unlinked subform



Actually there is no link between my main form and subform and i want to use
that for updating table. my subform is as a list that should works as a
distribution list.

for more information Record source of subform is one table that I called
tblcc that contain always 6

cc (primary key) check(yes/no field)
john yes
smith no
martin yes

Record source of main table is one table that I called tbltransmittalNo

Transittalno (primary key)

now I want when select item in subform it add records to another table that
I called tblccTransmittalNo like below

transmittalNo(primary key) cc (primary key)
t-ct-at-0001 john
t-ct-at-0001 martin

and when I clear check box in the subform it deletes that from

Thanks a lot.

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