I had a good page or so of hand written notes and had a requirement to go
back and insert extra writing space in several places.Generally it was ok
but at one point instead of moving everything down OneNote only moved a
single outline down which then overlapped others. The trouble is that trying
to extract what had become a jumbled mess was impossible because of all the
other outlines. I have gad this happen before.
Is this something that I can avoid happening because it really does reduce
the value of the product? I'm sure that some would just give up using it!
I had a good page or so of hand written notes and had a requirement to go
back and insert extra writing space in several places.Generally it was ok
but at one point instead of moving everything down OneNote only moved a
single outline down which then overlapped others. The trouble is that trying
to extract what had become a jumbled mess was impossible because of all the
other outlines. I have gad this happen before.
Is this something that I can avoid happening because it really does reduce
the value of the product? I'm sure that some would just give up using it!