Problem Inserting Extra Writing Space




I had a good page or so of hand written notes and had a requirement to go
back and insert extra writing space in several places.Generally it was ok
but at one point instead of moving everything down OneNote only moved a
single outline down which then overlapped others. The trouble is that trying
to extract what had become a jumbled mess was impossible because of all the
other outlines. I have gad this happen before.

Is this something that I can avoid happening because it really does reduce
the value of the product? I'm sure that some would just give up using it!


Kathy J

When you insert space onto a notes page, the cursor will show you exactly
where it is going to add space. If the horizontal bar doesn't run edge to
edge, you are inside a note holder and the space will only be added to the
note holder. To get around this, make sure that your cursor is outside of
all note holders (to the right or left) when you click and drag to add
space. (Does that make sense? If not, let me know and I will try to write up
something with a little more detail...)

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Co-Author of Power OneNote: Unleashing the Power of OneNote from Holy Macro!
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived



It doesn't happen all the time so your explanation makes sense. I will watch
out for this in future.

Generally I am very happy with the product but there is definitely a
learning curve getting used to the way that it works. My problem is that I
am only discovering some issues when using it in real and live situations
which can be a little fraught!!

Many thanks.

Irina Yatsenko (MS)

Probably a common place so my apologies beforehand, but have you tried to
Undo the accidental changes you didn't like? (e.g. when the space is added
within a single container) You can either press Undo button on the Standard
toolbar (rounded blue arrow pointing to the left) or press Ctrl+Z. This
should clear back the jumbled mess with overlapping text that just has

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