Problem is displaying formula




I am creating a report in which the avg is formulated. But when there
is no data entered in the column the solution shows #DIV/0!

for ex
I wanted to avg c23 to c27 i gave the formula

when there is no data in c23 to c27 the display shows #DIV/0!

I dont want the msg to appear in the screen.

Help needed.

Gary''s Student

A very common problem. The usual approach is:


so in your case:


Dave Peterson

You can look to see if there are any numbers in that range:

=if(count(c23:c27)=0,"No numbers yet",average(c23:c27))


another possibility is =average(if(c23:c27><0,c23:c27,false))
entered as an array formula with Ctrl+Shift+Enter

Sathisc;333930 said:

I am creating a report in which the avg is formulated. But when there
is no data entered in the column the solution shows #DIV/0!

for ex
I wanted to avg c23 to c27 i gave the formula

when there is no data in c23 to c27 the display shows #DIV/0!

I dont want the msg to appear in the screen.

Help needed.

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