Problem Merging Access Database with MSWord



I had a table (tMeeting) originally with field names

ID [Autonumber & primary key]
LastName [Text]
FirstName [Text]
Address [Text]
InviteAccepted [Y/N]
MtgConfirmed {Y/N]
AttendMtg [Y/N]
Delete [Y/N]

I made various queries off of this table (who accepted the invite, who
attended meeting, deleted, etc.]. I used these queries as my data for
merging in to various MSWord files to provide to management.

A month ago, I learn we will be using this same data for another meeting
this year (& I conclude future meetings), I need to retain who
accepted/confirmed/attended last year’s meeting and then I need to know the
same information for this year’s meeting.

So I took this database with a single table and created 4 tables:

[tNames] (originally tMeeting)
ID [Autonumber & primary key]
LastName [Text]
FirstName [Text]
Address [Text]
Delete [Y/N]

Autonumber [Autonumber & primary key]
tNamesID [Number]
Meeting [Text]
Year [Number]
InviteAccept [Y/N]
Confirm [Y/N]
MtgAttend [Y/N]

Meeting [Text & primary key]

Year [Number & primary key]

In the properties of tMtgAcknowl for Meeting & Year, I setup the properties
for each of these fields to access the respective table.

In the relationship window, I have setup a link from tNames.ID to

I used a query to append my previous meeting data (invite, confirm, attend)
to the new subtable tMtgAcknowl. Once I confirmed the data was correct (with
another query), I deleted the data for last year's out of tNames.

I setup a form using tNames (form) & tMtgAcknowl (subform) so the meeting
data will show for each Name in my data entry form.

I created several queries that I know I’ll need to use to pull various
pieces of data. Using "view" I validate that the data I am pulling is

Here’s my problem:

When I try to setup a mail merge in MSWord, for the data source I choose the
file Meetings.mdb; however, only the tables appear, I have no access to the
queries (which is what I need).

Any thoughts on what is wrong? I’d appreciate any help you can give me.

Thank you.

Richard Rost

The Mail Merge Wizard in Word is only going to show you TABLES when you
connect to an Access database.

If your data isn't going to change much, you could just run a MAKE-TABLE
QUERY to create a temporary table to run your merge with.

Richard Rost


I find your answer curious, because before I changed the table from one table
to 4, I was able to see my queries when I used MSWord Mail Merge. I use
MSWord Mail Merge with other MSAccess databases for form letters,
directories, etc. and I am able to access my queries.

Unfortunately, the data is going to change frequently, so MSAccess Report or
Make Table will not work well.

Richard Rost said:
The Mail Merge Wizard in Word is only going to show you TABLES when you
connect to an Access database.

If your data isn't going to change much, you could just run a MAKE-TABLE
QUERY to create a temporary table to run your merge with.

Richard Rost

GIraffe said:
I had a table (tMeeting) originally with field names

ID [Autonumber & primary key]
LastName [Text]
FirstName [Text]
Address [Text]
InviteAccepted [Y/N]
MtgConfirmed {Y/N]
AttendMtg [Y/N]
Delete [Y/N]

I made various queries off of this table (who accepted the invite, who
attended meeting, deleted, etc.]. I used these queries as my data for
merging in to various MSWord files to provide to management.

A month ago, I learn we will be using this same data for another meeting
this year (& I conclude future meetings), I need to retain who
accepted/confirmed/attended last year's meeting and then I need to know the
same information for this year's meeting.

So I took this database with a single table and created 4 tables:

[tNames] (originally tMeeting)
ID [Autonumber & primary key]
LastName [Text]
FirstName [Text]
Address [Text]
Delete [Y/N]

Autonumber [Autonumber & primary key]
tNamesID [Number]
Meeting [Text]
Year [Number]
InviteAccept [Y/N]
Confirm [Y/N]
MtgAttend [Y/N]

Meeting [Text & primary key]

Year [Number & primary key]

In the properties of tMtgAcknowl for Meeting & Year, I setup the properties
for each of these fields to access the respective table.

In the relationship window, I have setup a link from tNames.ID to

I used a query to append my previous meeting data (invite, confirm, attend)
to the new subtable tMtgAcknowl. Once I confirmed the data was correct (with
another query), I deleted the data for last year's out of tNames.

I setup a form using tNames (form) & tMtgAcknowl (subform) so the meeting
data will show for each Name in my data entry form.

I created several queries that I know I'll need to use to pull various
pieces of data. Using "view" I validate that the data I am pulling is

Here's my problem:

When I try to setup a mail merge in MSWord, for the data source I choose the
file Meetings.mdb; however, only the tables appear, I have no access to the
queries (which is what I need).

Any thoughts on what is wrong? I'd appreciate any help you can give me.

Thank you.

Albert D. Kallal

I have a nice working sample that does a merge of the current record to

The sample I have can be found here:

What is nice/interesting about my sample is that is specially designed to
enable ANY form with ONE LINE of code....

Thus, each time you build a new form, you can word merge enable it with
great ease.

Make sure you read the instructions from above, and you should eventually
get to the follwoing page

Note that the merge can also use a query, and thus you don't have to merge
just "one" record..

After the merge occurs, you get a plain document WITHOUT any merge fields,
and this allows the end user to save, edit, or even email the document
(since the merge fields are gone after the merge occurs).

Give the above a try.

Note that the above the application example allows you to specified and use
a query for the merge.

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