Problem Moving OneNote archives to new computer



I recently migrated from an XP environment to a Vista environment and now
that I am on my new system, my OneNote application does not appear to be
pointing to my archives which I pulled over from my old system. Whenever I
launch OneNote (either manually or through Outlook Calendar), I am brought to
unfiled notes (which is typical), but across the top, my tabs from my
archives do not appear. I am able to go to file / open / and then find my
archives (although each tab is listed seperately) and then they will be
listed across the top like usual, but once I open my archives, I have to use
the left / right buttons in the top left to switch back and forth from the
new note I am creating to my archives. Does anyone know how i can set the
default in onenote so that it will point to my archives? Any help would be

Rainald Taesler

mwilson said:
I recently migrated from an XP environment to a Vista environment and
now that I am on my new system, my OneNote application does not
appear to be pointing to my archives which I pulled over from my old
system. Whenever I launch OneNote (either manually or through
Outlook Calendar), I am brought to unfiled notes (which is typical),
but across the top, my tabs from my archives do not appear. I am
able to go to file / open / and then find my archives (although each
tab is listed seperately) and then they will be listed across the top
like usual, but once I open my archives, I have to use the left /
right buttons in the top left to switch back and forth from the new
note I am creating to my archives.

I read this posting numerous times nut I'm unable to understand what you
are doing and what does not work.

Could it be that you are talking about ON2003??
Does anyone know how i can set
the default in onenote so that it will point to my archives?

In ON2007 one can specify the default location of the storage of the
Tools | Options | Save.



Rainald, that fixed it!
I was able to see how to change my "unfiled notes section". I needed it to
point to my "Default Notebook Location" so now when I create an unfiled note
from a calendar invite, it goes to the proper location.


Rainald Taesler

Thanks for the feedback.
Glad to hear that the problem could be solved.


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