Problem Opening More Than One Document


Bright Spark

Somewhere along the line I must have changed a setting or something
and I can't find where! This is making me nuts!

Every time I open more than one document at a time, up pops two
windows, the document I just opened as well as the first one I opened.
In other words, if I open a second document, two pop up on my monitor,
the one I just opened and the FIRST one I opened behind it, then if I
open a third one, same thing - the one I just opened and the FIRST one
I opened hiding behind it. It does that same thing every time I open
a new one and minimize it. Five, six, seven docs and each one opens
along with the FIRST one behind it.

Can anyone suggest what I might have done to make this happen and
point me in the right direction to make it stop?

Thanks so much.

Bright Spark


Hi Bright Spark,

Try unticking this option if it's ticked:

Pre-2007 - Tools > Options > View > Show Windows in Taskbar

2007 - Office Button > Word Options > Advanced > Display > Show all windows
in the Taskbar



Bright Spark

Thanks, Ed - but when I untick that option, all documents now open in
the SAME window instead of different windows as they always have
before! In other words, with that unticked it won't let me open
multiple documents at the same time.

Bright Spark


Hi again,

Hmm! I think that with the option unticked you can have multiple documents
open and, although only the most recently-opened one shows in the task bar,
you can get at the others by means of Word's Window menu (or Switch Windows
on the View tab in 2007). What version of Word are you using?

I tried with 2003 and 2007 and got the same behaviour as you described when
I had the option ticked; it's not something I've really noticed before.

If it is the case that it used to behave otherwise then maybe there's some
other factor involved but I don't know what that is.

I'll do a bit more digging and post back if I find anything - but at the
moment I'm not optimistic :-(



Beth Melton

Are you saying that you used to see a single task on the taskbar but when
you clicked the button a list of all of your open Word documents would
display? If that's the case then right-click your Windows task bar and then
click Properties. Make sure the option "Group similar taskbar buttons" is

If that's not it then what version of Word are you using?

Perhaps you are referring to the order of the open windows??

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email cannot be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Coauthor of Word 2007 Inside Out:

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