Problem organizing text data into new excel page



Ok... I am going to try to explain this as best I can. I have a HUGE amount
of text data that was cut from a web page and pasted as text into an excel
sheet. There are 9 entrys for each data set... so the first set goes from A2
to A10... second set goes from A13 to A21 and so on.

Now as the first phase of organizing the data, I created a second sheet that
I want to transfer the data on to. The physical locations of the data would
be as follows for an entry:
A2 stays at A2
A3 moves to B2
A4 moves to C2
A5 moves to D2
A6 moves to E2
A7 moves to F2
A8 moves to G2
A9 moves to H2
A10 moves to I2

Second set:

A13 moves to A3
A14 moves to B3
A15 moves to C3

Basicly I am taking the information that is currently all in colum A and
spreading out over 9 colums, having one "set" in one row (thus making it tons
easier to manage, sort, etc).

My current idea is that I have created a new workbook and just created the
first 5 sets by having the data in sheet 2 = the data in sheet 1:
Example of first line in second page:
A2 =Sheet1!A2
B2 =Sheet1!A3
C2 =Sheet1!A4
H2 =Sheet1!A9
I2 =Sheet1!A10

When done manually this works great. I have created 5 of the entrys and was
hoping excel would catch on to the format and allow me to just copy/drag the
current highlighted information down the page thus reformating the data.

Didn't work.

So i guess my question is... does anyone have any ideas on how i can make
this work? I would love to be able to put a formula into a cell and just
drag it down the page. I know the format for the formula isn't correct but
something along these lines:

A3=sheet1!A2+11 (equals A13)
A4=Sheet1!A2+22 (equals A24)
and so on.

I have racked my brain on this one and would greatly appreciate any


HOLY COW.... If I could reach you through the computer I would kiss you!!!

thank you thank you thank you!

I know I am going have more questions but this is a HUGE step in the right


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