Problem printing envelopes with Word 2004


Michael Farringdon

Since upgrading from Office v. X:mac Word to Office 2004
mac Word I find that I can no longer print envelopes. When
checking the Preview, the envelope appears blank, yet the
Envelope1, say, which appears, seems correct. My printer
sees nothing to print, though it takes up the envelope and
just passes it through without printing.
When I reloaded Office v.X the envelopes printed OK,
and the Preview showed the addresses OK. Reloading Office
2004 and I'm back to no printing of envelopes.
Any help gratefully received.

Michael Farringdon

Hi Beth,
Thanks for your help. Unfortunately, that's what I have done, i.e.
gone to Page Setup and made sure that the correct printer was chosen.
At first, I thought this was an hp printer problem and e-mailed hp for
help, but they came back with your suggestion and I'd already followed
that line. (I'm using an hp psc2410, just for the record.)
Any body else have a suggestion?
Mike Farringdon

Daiya Mitchell

Are you creating the envelopes through Tools | Envelopes? That tool puts
the addresses in text boxes, which are apparently (I have just discovered)
drawing objects. Make sure "drawing objects" is checked in Word |
Preferences, Print tab, under include with. I just reproduced your issue by
unchecking that box.

Michael Farringdon

Hello Daiya,

Very Many THANKS. You've cracked my problem and I've now printed an
envelope--after checking "drawing objects" (something I'd never heard
of, though I've looked it up now in my copy of 'Office X for
Macintosh: the Missing Manual' 1st ed 2002 which briefly covers
'drawing objects' but only references them as images; maybe that was
true in my original Office v.X when I had no problems). Again, Thank

Michael Farringdon

Daiya Mitchell

Hi Michael,
Glad to help, thanks for confirming the solution. Word 2001 puts addresses
in text boxes too, so I'm sure Word X did as well. I'd assume the setting
just got unchecked somehow in your prefs (though I would have thought it'd
be checked by default, but maybe not).

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