Problem Reading RTF Table



I've created an rtf document using jfor. The tables in the document look
perfect when using Word 2000 on Windows 2000. Some of the table columns are
too narrow when I look at the same document using Word 2002 on XP.

The XSL:FO used to the tables that appeared correctly on 2002 and those that
appeared incorrectly are the same. I was able to get an improved column width
by putting an empty table before the incorrectly appearing table in xsl:fo.

Is there anything I can do either in word or in xsl:fo that could fix my

Klaus Linke

Hi Vhikida,

In Word, you could try to set the compatibility options (Toos > Options >
Compatibility) to the older version.

You could also check the RTF code whether the tables are set to AutoFit
I think AutoFit had a bug (producing very wide tables) that was fixed;
perhaps that might explain the differences.


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