Problem removing hyperlinks in workbook




I am trying to remove all of the hyperlinks in my (giant 100 meg) work
book or any subset of the workbook, but everything I have tried has

I can right click on each cell and remove the link, but that will take

I tried the following:

1) Multiply a selection by 1. This does not work. I can multiply a
single cell by one, but if I do a selection, it does not work.

2)*This crashes my workbook*
Sub DeleteHyper()
End Sub

3) *Again, this does not work if I select more than on cell at a time*

Sub DeleteHyper()
End Sub

4) *This crashes excel. I got this off of MS's site and it was
supposed to select all the cells with a hyperlink*

'This Sub procedure selects all cells in the worksheet that contain
'hyperlinks. You can then clear the selected cells to delete all of
'the hyperlinks.
Sub SelectAllHyperlinkCells()
FirstCell = 1
For Each xLink In ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks
If FirstCell = 1 Then
Set xRange = xLink.Range
FirstCell = 0
Set xRange = Application.Union(xRange, xLink.Range)
End If
Next xLink
End Sub

I am wondering if my copy of excel has been corrupted somehow since all
of these things that "should" work just don't. I tried working with a
single tab and moving it out of the workbook, but that had no effect.

Thanks for any advice!


i may be totally off the mark, but maybe the reason you're crashing is
because your file is HUGE!!! What is in this file that makes it so
large? Is there any way you can reduce the size?


That is a good point and I thought the same thing.
However, I selected a single (small) tab out of the main file an
tested the above formulas on it as well with no luck.

As far as why the main file is huge, 15 tabs, 30 Vlookup columns, an
several hundred thousand cells with formulas

Dave Peterson

I'm not sure if this will work, either...

Sub DeleteHyper2()
dim myHyper as hyperlink
for each myhyper in activesheet.hyperlinks
next myhyper
End Sub


Sub DeleteHyper3()
dim iCtr as long
for ictr = 1 to activesheet.hyperlinks.count
next ictr
End Sub

I've seen things like:
fail to work--but it never crashed excel (But I've never seen a 100meg workbook,

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