Problem retrieving images from Access 2003 Binary Large Object (BL


Paul H

I can write and read jpeg images to/from MS Access table BLOB fields using
the ReadBlob and Write Blob functions recommended in, and the retrieved image can be
displayed in an MS access form image field.

If I connect to the Access database from an ASP page and read the BLOB field
using ADO.NET functions the returned file is twice the size of the file
returned when reading the BLOB field using MS Access, and it cannot be

The code for reading the BLOB field is listed below and copied from;en-us;326502 .

Can you suggest what may be causing this problem.

Comparing the contents of the two jpeg files returned it appears that each
byte in the original file is converted to two bytes when stored in the MS
access table. If the data is read back using the MS access WriteBLOB function
then each pair of bytes is correctly reconverted back to one byte with the
original value.

When the BLOB is read from the ASP page this does not happen. I tried
removing the most signifant byte of each pair of bytes and creating a file of
the original size but the picture could still not be displayed.

Further examination of the file contents showed that the most of the least
significant bytes of each pair contained the original value but occasionally
they did not and there is a value in the most significant byte.

<%@ Page Language="VB" Debug="true" ContentType="text/html"
ResponseEncoding="iso-8859-1" %>
<%@Import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<%@Import Namespace="System.IO" %>
Dim PictureCol As Integer = 0 ' the column # of the BLOB field

Dim cn As New OleDbConnection("provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data

Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand("SELECT photo FROM tblPhoto WHERE
PhotoNumber=2", cn)


Dim dr As OleDbDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()

Dim b(dr.GetBytes(PictureCol, 0, Nothing, 0, Integer.MaxValue) - 1) As Byte
dr.GetBytes(PictureCol, 0, b, 0, b.Length)

‘***** start of temporary code ******
Dim fs As New
IO.FileMode.Create, IO.FileAccess.Write)
fs.Write(b, 0, b.Length)
‘***** end of temporary code ******

'Response.Expires = 0
'Response.Buffer = TRUE
'Response.ContentType = "image/jpg"


'69 Camaro

Hi, Paul.
Can you suggest what may be causing this problem.

Regardless of the graphic file format that the image was originally in, Jet
stores the graphic as a bitmap image. Jet can compensate for this within the
Access environment (which is why your conversion works within Access), but
your ASP.Net function is retrieving the stored BMP image, not a JPG file.

Access experts recommend storing graphic files outside of Access, not in a
table, to avoid excessive database bloat and frequent database corruption
problems. This technique merely stores the path and file name or hyperlink
in the table, and stores the actual graphic files on the file server. I
recommend that you do the same for your ASP.Net application.


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Regardless of the graphic file format that the image was originally in, Jet
stores the graphic as a bitmap image.

Not so - you are thinking of OLE Embedding, a purely front-end technology, which is not the case here.
The OLE Object field is simply a binary field that can be used to store any binary data without any overhead
or conversion - Jet/Access do not convert formats that you insert into it.

Provided you avoid OLE Embedding and its associated problems it is perfectly possible, and reliable, to
work with reasonable volumes of image data in tables, and the images occupy no more space than they would
in the file-system.


ReadBlob/WriteBlob use string functions, which causes the doubling of size. Eliminate the string functions
and you will avoid the conversion & extra storage and will be able to work with the data directly in ASP
as you require.

Image Handling Components, Samples, Solutions and Info
DBPix 2.0 - lossless jpeg rotation, EXIF, asynchronous

'69 Camaro

No. You've only fixed part of the problem. And if you store a good number
of images in Jet tables, you'll eventually discover a much, much larger
problem and why Access experts advise against doing so.

Good luck.


See for all your database needs.
See for Microsoft Access tips.


No. You've only fixed part of the problem.

So what's the other part ?
And if you store a good number
of images in Jet tables, you'll eventually discover a much, much larger
problem and why Access experts advise against doing so.

The advice against doing so is usually due to the overhead of OLE embedding, reliance on OLE Servers, interop
problems etc. etc. None of these apply to raw binary storage.

I've worked on hundreds of applications that store millions of images in Access tables without any problems
whatsoever. Provided that one doesn't use OLE Embedding, and obviously don't try to store more than 2GB
of image data.

Jason Chu

Did you ever find it very slow to insert data to access? say a minute per 10
I'm doing
cmd.Parameters.Add("@ImgBinary", OleDbType.VarBinary).Value =
so it's binary array.


Never, but I've never done it this way.

=?Utf-8?B?SmFzb24gQ2h1?= said:
Did you ever find it very slow to insert data to access? say a minute per 10
I'm doing
cmd.Parameters.Add("@ImgBinary", OleDbType.VarBinary).Value =
so it's binary array.

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