Problem rotating group of shapes, connectors get goofy



I have a Visio 2003 drawing which has multiple shapes connected together. I
want to rotate the entire set of shapes and connectors 90 degrees. I select
all the shapes and use the rotation handle. All the shapes rotate, but the
connectors get all messed up. I'm not sure if they are re-routing or what.
They stay connected to the shapes, but vertices seem to stay fixed where they
are, they don't move during the rotation. I need to rotate the drawing so I
can import it into Word 2002. (The Visio drawing is landscape, the Word
document is portrait. If I just import the drawing into Word I am not able to
rotate it there)


Scott S

I'm a relative "newbie" to Visio and have been "learning by mistakes". I
had the same problem you did, and this was my work around:

Copy the Visio drawing (Edit / Copy Drawing)

Then, in your Word document, insert the picture as a "picture/enhanced
(Edit, Paste Special, then highlight the "Picture (enhanced Metafile)"
option), OK)

Now, when you right click your copied Visio drawing in your word document,
you should have the green rotation knob on your drawing which will enable you
to rotate it to whatever angle you like.

Hope this makes sense, and hope it helps.


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