I am trying to run the following code which basically fills in a bunch of
tables with data for some reports. I am having problems with the section
“Individual Product Appendicesâ€. What it does here is loop through a table
collecting the values for the parameter queries. However, I seem to end up
with the same data in each table when the code finishes running (the data
from the first time through). It is like the parameters have not been
changed even though I have stepped through the code and the parameters are
changing and it gets the correct data when done manually. Any ideas? If I
set the cmd variable to a new adodb.command each time before I run the
queries, it runs OK with correct data. Is this the proper way to do this or
am I missing something else that should be in the code. Thanks for any help!
Private Sub cmdAppendix_Click()
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim rp As ADODB.Recordset
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim qname As String
Dim strmsg As String
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
Dim prod As String
Dim coi As String
Dim fn As String
Dim smk As String
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Set rp = New ADODB.Recordset
Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
cmd.ActiveConnection = gdb
With rs
.ActiveConnection = gdb
.CursorType = adOpenForwardOnly
.LockType = adLockOptimistic
.Open "tblControl_dates"
End With
strmsg = "Appendix 1"
Call logmsg(strmsg)
txtMsg.Text = "Appendix 1 " & Now
gdb.Execute "DELETE * from tbl_appendix_1;"
gdb.Execute "qry_app_appendix_1"
strmsg = "Appendix 2"
Call logmsg(strmsg)
txtMsg.Text = "Appendix 2 " & Now
gdb.Execute "DELETE * from tbl_appendix_2;"
gdb.Execute "qry_app_appendix_2"
strmsg = "Appendix 3"
Call logmsg(strmsg)
txtMsg.Text = "Appendix 3 " & Now
gdb.Execute "DELETE * from tbl_appendix_3;"
gdb.Execute "qry_app_appendix_3"
strmsg = "Appendix 4"
Call logmsg(strmsg)
txtMsg.Text = "Appendix 4 " & Now
gdb.Execute "DELETE * from tbl_appendix_4_all_data;"
gdb.Execute "DELETE * from tbl_appendix_4"
gdb.Execute "qry_app_appendix_4_alldata"
j = 1
For i = rs!StartYear To rs!EndYear
qname = "qry_app_appendix_4_y" & Format(j)
cmd.CommandText = qname
cmd.Execute Parameters:=Array(i)
j = j + 1
gdb.Execute "qry_app_appendix_4_all"
strmsg = "Appendix by table"
Call logmsg(strmsg)
txtMsg.Text = "Appendix by table " & Now
gdb.Execute "DELETE * from tbl_appendix_bytable;"
j = 1
For i = rs!StartYear To rs!EndYear
qname = "qry_app_appendix_bytable_y" & Format(j)
cmd.CommandText = qname
cmd.Execute Parameters:=Array(i)
j = j + 1
gdb.Execute "qry_app_appendix_bytable_all"
' individual product appendices
With rp
.ActiveConnection = gdb
.CursorType = adOpenForwardOnly
.LockType = adLockOptimistic
.Open "tbl_appendix_product"
End With
Do Until rp.EOF
If rp!appendix = "Y" Then
prod = rp!product
coi = rp!coitype
gdb.Execute "DELETE * from tbl_appendix_individual;"
gdb.Execute "DELETE * from tbl_appendix_individual_a;"
smk = "N"
qname = "qry_app_appendix_individual_nsmk"
cmd.CommandText = qname
cmd.Execute Parameters:=Array(prod, coi, smk)
smk = "S"
qname = "qry_app_appendix_individual_smk"
cmd.CommandText = qname
cmd.Execute Parameters:=Array(prod, coi, smk)
smk = "O"
qname = "qry_app_appendix_individual_oth"
cmd.CommandText = qname
cmd.Execute Parameters:=Array(prod, coi, smk)
qname = "qry_app_appendix_individual_all"
cmd.CommandText = qname
cmd.Execute Parameters:=Array(prod, coi)
j = 1
For i = rs!StartYear To rs!EndYear
qname = "qry_app_appendix_individual_y" & Format(j)
cmd.CommandText = qname
cmd.Execute Parameters:=Array(prod, coi)
j = j + 1
qname = "qry_app_appendix_individual_yall"
cmd.CommandText = qname
cmd.Execute Parameters:=Array(prod, coi)
fn = "tbl_appendix_" & rp!app_name
gdb.Execute "DELETE * from " & fn & ";"
gdb.Execute "INSERT INTO " & fn & " SELECT tbl_appendix_individual.*
FROM tbl_appendix_individual;"
gdb.Execute "INSERT INTO " & fn & " SELECT tbl_appendix_dummy.* FROM
fn = fn & "_a"
gdb.Execute "DELETE * from " & fn & ";"
gdb.Execute "INSERT INTO " & fn & " SELECT
tbl_appendix_individual_a.* FROM tbl_appendix_individual_a;"
gdb.Execute "INSERT INTO " & fn & " SELECT tbl_appendix_dummy_a.*
FROM tbl_appendix_dummy_a;"
End If
prod = ""
coi = ""
smk = ""
strmsg = "Appendices done!"
Call logmsg(strmsg)
txtMsg.Text = "Done! " & Now
End Sub
tables with data for some reports. I am having problems with the section
“Individual Product Appendicesâ€. What it does here is loop through a table
collecting the values for the parameter queries. However, I seem to end up
with the same data in each table when the code finishes running (the data
from the first time through). It is like the parameters have not been
changed even though I have stepped through the code and the parameters are
changing and it gets the correct data when done manually. Any ideas? If I
set the cmd variable to a new adodb.command each time before I run the
queries, it runs OK with correct data. Is this the proper way to do this or
am I missing something else that should be in the code. Thanks for any help!
Private Sub cmdAppendix_Click()
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim rp As ADODB.Recordset
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim qname As String
Dim strmsg As String
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
Dim prod As String
Dim coi As String
Dim fn As String
Dim smk As String
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Set rp = New ADODB.Recordset
Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
cmd.ActiveConnection = gdb
With rs
.ActiveConnection = gdb
.CursorType = adOpenForwardOnly
.LockType = adLockOptimistic
.Open "tblControl_dates"
End With
strmsg = "Appendix 1"
Call logmsg(strmsg)
txtMsg.Text = "Appendix 1 " & Now
gdb.Execute "DELETE * from tbl_appendix_1;"
gdb.Execute "qry_app_appendix_1"
strmsg = "Appendix 2"
Call logmsg(strmsg)
txtMsg.Text = "Appendix 2 " & Now
gdb.Execute "DELETE * from tbl_appendix_2;"
gdb.Execute "qry_app_appendix_2"
strmsg = "Appendix 3"
Call logmsg(strmsg)
txtMsg.Text = "Appendix 3 " & Now
gdb.Execute "DELETE * from tbl_appendix_3;"
gdb.Execute "qry_app_appendix_3"
strmsg = "Appendix 4"
Call logmsg(strmsg)
txtMsg.Text = "Appendix 4 " & Now
gdb.Execute "DELETE * from tbl_appendix_4_all_data;"
gdb.Execute "DELETE * from tbl_appendix_4"
gdb.Execute "qry_app_appendix_4_alldata"
j = 1
For i = rs!StartYear To rs!EndYear
qname = "qry_app_appendix_4_y" & Format(j)
cmd.CommandText = qname
cmd.Execute Parameters:=Array(i)
j = j + 1
gdb.Execute "qry_app_appendix_4_all"
strmsg = "Appendix by table"
Call logmsg(strmsg)
txtMsg.Text = "Appendix by table " & Now
gdb.Execute "DELETE * from tbl_appendix_bytable;"
j = 1
For i = rs!StartYear To rs!EndYear
qname = "qry_app_appendix_bytable_y" & Format(j)
cmd.CommandText = qname
cmd.Execute Parameters:=Array(i)
j = j + 1
gdb.Execute "qry_app_appendix_bytable_all"
' individual product appendices
With rp
.ActiveConnection = gdb
.CursorType = adOpenForwardOnly
.LockType = adLockOptimistic
.Open "tbl_appendix_product"
End With
Do Until rp.EOF
If rp!appendix = "Y" Then
prod = rp!product
coi = rp!coitype
gdb.Execute "DELETE * from tbl_appendix_individual;"
gdb.Execute "DELETE * from tbl_appendix_individual_a;"
smk = "N"
qname = "qry_app_appendix_individual_nsmk"
cmd.CommandText = qname
cmd.Execute Parameters:=Array(prod, coi, smk)
smk = "S"
qname = "qry_app_appendix_individual_smk"
cmd.CommandText = qname
cmd.Execute Parameters:=Array(prod, coi, smk)
smk = "O"
qname = "qry_app_appendix_individual_oth"
cmd.CommandText = qname
cmd.Execute Parameters:=Array(prod, coi, smk)
qname = "qry_app_appendix_individual_all"
cmd.CommandText = qname
cmd.Execute Parameters:=Array(prod, coi)
j = 1
For i = rs!StartYear To rs!EndYear
qname = "qry_app_appendix_individual_y" & Format(j)
cmd.CommandText = qname
cmd.Execute Parameters:=Array(prod, coi)
j = j + 1
qname = "qry_app_appendix_individual_yall"
cmd.CommandText = qname
cmd.Execute Parameters:=Array(prod, coi)
fn = "tbl_appendix_" & rp!app_name
gdb.Execute "DELETE * from " & fn & ";"
gdb.Execute "INSERT INTO " & fn & " SELECT tbl_appendix_individual.*
FROM tbl_appendix_individual;"
gdb.Execute "INSERT INTO " & fn & " SELECT tbl_appendix_dummy.* FROM
fn = fn & "_a"
gdb.Execute "DELETE * from " & fn & ";"
gdb.Execute "INSERT INTO " & fn & " SELECT
tbl_appendix_individual_a.* FROM tbl_appendix_individual_a;"
gdb.Execute "INSERT INTO " & fn & " SELECT tbl_appendix_dummy_a.*
FROM tbl_appendix_dummy_a;"
End If
prod = ""
coi = ""
smk = ""
strmsg = "Appendices done!"
Call logmsg(strmsg)
txtMsg.Text = "Done! " & Now
End Sub