Problem Sending and Receiving Email



My Outlook 2003 was working fine up until 2 weeks ago. I was able to send
and receive email. I have not installed any new software. I deleted and
re-added my email accounts and doublechecked that the server information from
my ISP did not change. I did, however, notice something that I think is
strange and that I think I would have noticed when I setup the email accounts
originally. When I press "Test Settings", I get a Enter Network Password box
which lists the server. There is a space in front of the server name. A
friend had suggested that I had a worm but I have the latest virus updates
(using Zone Alarm). I know my password and user name are correct because I
can sign in no problem via webmail. I've also tried uninstalling and
re-installing Outlook but that didn't help either.

Any help would be appreciated!



Similar situation here. Last outgoing message was 2 Aug; I can still receive
okay. When testing the account settings, I get "Outlook could not logon to
the outgoing mail server (SMTP). The problem could be the server name, your
server may require authentication, or your server may not support SSL...." I
verified with ISP that server name is correct. Server does not require
authentication and does not use SSL. I also use Zone Alarm. Getting very
frustrated. ISP would not provide configuration for Outlook (due to
potential legal problems). Any help would be extremely appreciated.

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