Problem Sending Files As Attachments in Messages


Lynn Q

Hi there,

FYI I posted this to msn.discussion newsgroup, but it might be more
appropriate here.

I have MSN 9 Premium installed on XP Pro SP2 system. Have chatted
with MSN support who cannot solve this one.

Here's the problem. If I want to send a file direct from Excel 2000 (part
of Office Pro 2000 SR1) I get an error message and the file won't attach, or
send. This only occurs when MSN is set as my default e-mail handler. Error
message as follows.

"MSN -- Access to the following potentially unsafe attachments has been
blocked: 288.tmp (removed)... OK."

The number before .tmp changes each time I try to send. If my E-mail is
defaulted to be OE6 I don't have any problems. Also note that the "handling
of potentially unsafe attachments" in Security tab is DISabled. Also works
fine in Outlook 2000.

Additionally a problem when sending a file from Word. I get NO error
messages. However, it doesn't open a new e-mail in MSN at all. Then, the
second attempt greys out the Send As Attachment and leaves only Fax and
PowerPoint. The only way to get out of Word is to hit Ctrl-Alt-Del and END
the process. It won't close from Word itself. Only the file closes, but
the application stays open.

Finally, if I attach the files (Excel or Word) to a message in MSN (default
e-mail) then there's no problem. The problem seems to be for the Office
applications themselves.

Any suggestions much appreciated here. Thanks in hopeful anticipation of
resolving this as my preference is to use the "Send To" feature.



Chris Schatte

Lynn Q,
There was a post concerning MSN Premium and Outlook a few weeks ago. The
error (an assumption) lies with which is set as the default. Believe the
other post was with XP SP1
You may want to open a support issue with Microsoft for your Office product
Not to send you around the bend again, but you could also post here:
you can do a search of the groups near the bottom of the page.

Chris Schatte

use the Office Online web based newsreader here:
In Office System 2003 applications:
Help/Assistance Pane/open Communities


Thanks for the info. I already started a support posting
but also followed your advice and went to the page you

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