Lead Foot
In VB6 sp4, I'm having problems setting the SeriesCollection() range. The
end row of the range will be dependent on the number of bins the user
declares so will always be variable. I've created a macro in Excel to use as
a guideline, but have had little luck with it. The chart will have 4
SeriesCollections one of which should only be visible/used for the XValues.
Dimming the strRange1 and strRange2 as Objects and using the Set statment to
define them stops compiling at the start of the Sub. Perhaps I'm using the
Set statment incorrectly. Dimming the strRange1 and strRange2 as xlLineChart
gives a message that "Compile Error: user-defined type not defined". I've
tried so many different ways of getting this to work, I've lost count and by
now I have a real mess. I'm really hoping someone out there can help.
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWkBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlWkSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim xlLineChart As ChartObject
Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
Set xlWkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
Dim strRange1 As String
Dim strRange2 As String
Dim varSeriesRange As Variant
eRows = 9 'start row for data output
NumLags = Val(txtLag.Text) 'assigns user input # of bins
intEnd = eRows + (NumLags * 2) 'end row for data output
strRange1 = "A" & eRows & ":A" & intEnd
strRange2 = "B" & eRows & ":B" & intEnd
varSeriesRange = "=R9" & "C1" & ":R" & intEnd & "C1"
Set xlLineChart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(230, 100, 400, 250)
xlLineChart.Chart.ChartType = xlLineMarkers
With xlLineChart.Chart
.SetSourceData ActiveSheet.Range(strRange1, strRange2)
.SetSourceData Range(strRange1, strRange2), .PlotBy = xlColumns
'*****Compiles to here then error 438 - Object doesn't support
'*****This doesn't work even hard coding the source range
.SeriesCollection(2).Add ActiveSheet.Range(strRange2) '("b9:b29")
.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = varSeriesRange '"=R9C1:R29C1"
End With
end row of the range will be dependent on the number of bins the user
declares so will always be variable. I've created a macro in Excel to use as
a guideline, but have had little luck with it. The chart will have 4
SeriesCollections one of which should only be visible/used for the XValues.
Dimming the strRange1 and strRange2 as Objects and using the Set statment to
define them stops compiling at the start of the Sub. Perhaps I'm using the
Set statment incorrectly. Dimming the strRange1 and strRange2 as xlLineChart
gives a message that "Compile Error: user-defined type not defined". I've
tried so many different ways of getting this to work, I've lost count and by
now I have a real mess. I'm really hoping someone out there can help.
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWkBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlWkSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim xlLineChart As ChartObject
Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
Set xlWkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
Dim strRange1 As String
Dim strRange2 As String
Dim varSeriesRange As Variant
eRows = 9 'start row for data output
NumLags = Val(txtLag.Text) 'assigns user input # of bins
intEnd = eRows + (NumLags * 2) 'end row for data output
strRange1 = "A" & eRows & ":A" & intEnd
strRange2 = "B" & eRows & ":B" & intEnd
varSeriesRange = "=R9" & "C1" & ":R" & intEnd & "C1"
Set xlLineChart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(230, 100, 400, 250)
xlLineChart.Chart.ChartType = xlLineMarkers
With xlLineChart.Chart
.SetSourceData ActiveSheet.Range(strRange1, strRange2)
.SetSourceData Range(strRange1, strRange2), .PlotBy = xlColumns
'*****Compiles to here then error 438 - Object doesn't support
'*****This doesn't work even hard coding the source range
.SeriesCollection(2).Add ActiveSheet.Range(strRange2) '("b9:b29")
.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = varSeriesRange '"=R9C1:R29C1"
End With