The Suite
Good day to you,
I have a Palm Treo 700wx running the most current version of Windows Mobile
v.5.0. I installed the Office Systems 2007 Enterprise Edition and now I am
trying to sync my Outlook info to my Treo and it just sits there and does
Has anyone experienced this and if so, did you find a fix?
or, ActiveSync does not support Outlook 2007 at the moment.
Please advise.
Thank you,
~Brett A. Scudder~
I have a Palm Treo 700wx running the most current version of Windows Mobile
v.5.0. I installed the Office Systems 2007 Enterprise Edition and now I am
trying to sync my Outlook info to my Treo and it just sits there and does
Has anyone experienced this and if so, did you find a fix?
or, ActiveSync does not support Outlook 2007 at the moment.
Please advise.
Thank you,
~Brett A. Scudder~