problem using Range Names in VLOOKUP



I am wracking my brain as to why the function:

=vlookup(B12|testrange|2), where the name testrange = a10:b22

fails. I have used names in formulas before, for example:

=if(homme="man"|"a guy"|"not a guy"), where homme = cell a2

and this works fine. But the VLOOKUP formul abve generates the standard
Excel "The formula you typed contains an error. This same error applies when
I use a single name reference as aI did with the IF function above, as in:

=vlookup(mamma|a2:b12|2), where mamma = cell b5

Any ideas why this fails? Appreciate any help!

-- Dee


Go to Insert > Name > Define and double check the spelling and range setting
on your Range called "testrange"..........

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


I did that before I posted and just did again to make sure. It checks out
fine. Seems VLOOPUP just doesn't like names. Can you try it for me to see if
your version of Excel does it correctly? Thanks.


testrange was set to A10:b22

I tried it with and without the FALSE option.......

The above worked fine in my XL97...........

Try the file on another computer, and if you still have trouble, then the
file is at fault somehow........maybe just start with a new file....

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


CLR, tried saving as an Excel 97 file... no help. Created new file
altogether, no help, saved that as a E97 file, still no help. Think I will
insert the Office disks and see if there's a repair to be made. Can't think
of anything else. Thanks for your help.


You're welcome, sorry we couldn't get it fixed.....I'm afraid you're right
tho about your install of Excel being corrupt, given your description of the

The only other thing is give the file to a friend, or send it to my home
addy and I will look at it.......

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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