Problem while copy pasting a project plan




I was copy pasting a project plan into an integrated plan and noticed
that a few of the % complete line items changed or were set back.
Curious to know what may have caused this. Is there something I need to
be aware of while copy pasting a project plan?



AM said:

I was copy pasting a project plan into an integrated plan and noticed
that a few of the % complete line items changed or were set back.
Curious to know what may have caused this. Is there something I need to
be aware of while copy pasting a project plan?


Well first of all you would be much better off inserting the plan into
the master than with copy/paste. If necessary you can use filters to see
only those tasks in the subproject that are of interest at the upper
level. To insert one project into another, go to Insert/Project and
select the project(s) you want inserted.

Copying and pasting tasks from one file to another can result in changes
to the new task. Without knowing the specifics, it is difficult to say
exactly why some tasks changed when copied and some didn't. If we had
more details, perhaps we could help. Meanwhile, you might consider using
the insert method instead.

Project MVP

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